
JJ Abrams actually apologized for all the lens flares. I doubt he will be using it so much in the future.

Singer didn't make First Class.

Michael Myers was from Halloween. There wasn't a prequel for that franchise or Friday the 13th (at least as far as I know). They both got reboots though.

Other than nostalgia Temple of Doom wasn't very good at all.

I am intrigued. I will have to check this out. I am not going to lie, I only clicked on this because I saw the picture first and thought it was about a new Fallout or a Fallout movie (fan made or other).

I remember those games but I don't remember them feeling like the Arkham's series. Yes they had dodge/counter or whatever but the combat didn't flow the way Arkham games and the way Mordor does which is what people are referring to when talking about the combat. You can seamlessly flow through a fight and never break

On Xbox One, the reward for completing all of the Achievements in the main game is the sinking feeling that DLC will come out and spoil your feeling of perfection.

My God. Thank you for posting this. I had no idea about this. I love American Dad. Sooooo underrated and overlooked.

It's also because that season turned into a cat fight. Plus the ending was literally told to us in the first episode.

Don't know why you're so butt hurt. I've had a dress and 3 book shelves and they are all holding up perfectly fine for almost a decade now, except for the one book shelf I screwed up but even that one is standing up... it just needs a little help from duct tape.

It was absolutely one of the best things about Windows 8... on a tablet. It is weird having it on a desktop though since you really don't need really any of those settings on a desktop. I love Windows 8, once I got it on my desktop I never looked back but charms are very awkward to get to on a desktop.

Ahhh ok. That's why I didn't know about them, they aren't my cup of tea. Except I did enjoy Force Unleashed when I played it on Xbox, for what it was at least.

I finally saw it in person at the Verizon store today and it looks much nicer in person. The dimple doesn't look as weird as I thought it would.

Which ports are you referring to exactly? Aside from Dark Souls, I can't think of a game that has ran poorly on the PC.

This girl is beautiful. That aside, Brienne is suppose to be pretty ugly. Either way nice job on the dress.

That image that shows the stormtrooper being put in a GCPD car, is that an image from Arkham Knight? Obviously with a stormtrooper shopped in.

Hey may be they'll release Kindom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 on the PC. I can dream...

How is this any different than Google Wallet?

I completely agree. It was absolutely perfect. In the most literal sense of the word it was perfect.

I never shut down with charms bar (I use to do it that way). I shut down using Start8 and have for a while. I'm sure my drivers are all up to date. Windows 8/8.1 has just always shut down like that.