
And did you seek help from Obsidian about this and getting it to work? Or perhaps a fan made patch? There's a good chance that someone who has run into this problem before has also made some kind of fix for it. There may be something you have to change in one of the ini files. I apologize for being a dick. My

Bethesda didn't make the game, Obsidian did.

Oh I read it. All you said was it was broken which is not true at all since millions of other people CAN play the game. Sounds like a whole lot of your problem, not the studios or Valves.

Never said they were all good (I hate the episodes with the farting aliens). The Doctor and his companions were better characters since the run of Smith was basically just Amy and Clara. Amy grew tiresome as a character by the end of season 5 and Clara hasn't really done much to distinguish herself as a character

That's why. Those episodes weren't really very good. The Eccelston and Tennant episodes were way better than the Smith episodes (I never watch classic episodes).

That would be obnoxious to me especially with how boring and broken SC2 is currently. Here's hoping Legacy of the Void fixes the stuff that made me not enjoy StarCraft 2 anymore.... or at least finish StarCraft Ghost.

I lost my Demon Hunter (going on second play through back when the game was still relatively new) because i was on hardcore mode and got a lag spike. Fucking lag ended up killing her because the game delayed as I was using the escape move she has (forgot the name of it).

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Don't remind me about StarCraft Ghost. That game still looks and sounds awesome to me.

That's funny. I like jokes too :-)

I got my PS4 because GameStop was having a good deal. Trade in your PS3 and/or 360 and you get $150 off the PS4. I had a 360 and a PS3 that were literally gathering dust in my room (I became a hardcore PC gamer during the last console generation because of StarCraft 2). I figured, well I am going to want the PS4 at

I wasn't too surprised by the whole Reek thing, not sure why though since he was nothing like Theon anymore in the books. Ser Barristan Selmy reveal as being Artisan White Beard blew me away though. I wish Strong Belwas was in the series :-( I also hope they put a certain Lady into the show as well since it's the

Other than being tortured or whatever they were doing to him in there I never felt sympathy for V in the movie. I tried really fucking hard but couldn't get into the comic. I couldn't get past the art style, it just put me off to it for whatever reason. Just like Dark Knight Returns art style put me off reading

Thank you. I was thinking the same thing. I didn't read the books parallel to the show but I read books 1 and 2 before season 2 came out, finished book 3 before season 2 ended, and then took a break after SoS to read I Am Legend (god damn it the movie was garbage by comparison) and then started to read AFfC and

Which part did I admit that I let others form my opinions? Because I chose not to spend money on a movie most people say is generally a bad movie? Excuse me for being an adult with responsibilities and having to be careful with my spending.

It was after 3 they changed. The Room was supposed to be a spin off game actually which is why it felt really odd.

Not at all, he wouldn't have taken no for an answer. But she was perfectly willing in the books. Not so much the show but she was in the book.

I don't recall any abusive sexual interactions that Dany was involved in in the BOOKS.

Some are pretty graphic with the woman on woman sex scenes. They usually only involve Dany and it's always when she's really lonely. She does it with her hand maidens (they aren't dead in the books, well not all of them I don't think).

Again, it wasn't rape in the books. I don't have that part in front of me right now but she puts his hands there and says yes after Khal Drogo says no (since that's all he can say in the common tongue.