
After the second day, noticing that one team was way ahead of the other I decided 'oh this is probably rigged'. Shrugged. Then I went on playing my games. I had made one summer badge just to see if I get something interesting with it and that was that. I don't know why people are making such a big deal about this.

It's an FPS did you really think that was going to happen? There won't be anything new in that genre until it isn't so flooded with "me too" call of duty/battlefield FPS.

Thinking the same exact thing. That was not half assed.

Ewwww smoking near electronics is awful for them. Especially computers. It's not very good for you either.

I understand that. I'm saying that the character himself does not show any sort of feeling towards anything he's done during the characters development through the game. People that kill even in self defense tend to be shaken up by what they've done regardless of the circumstances they are in.

That's simply not true about GoT. They film most of it on location. For example every exterior shot in the North is filmed in Ireland and it was either Iceland or Greenland. Structures may be CG'd but the actual scenery is usually not CG

This doesn't answer the real question though. Were those skeletons CG or not? If they were then that was some of the best CG I've ever seen. Ever. Also this show has better CG than most movies I've seen.

Steam also emails me and then automatically launches the app on my Moto X when a game on my wish list goes on sale.

I use to do that but it became annoying after a while because Steam would periodically and randomly remove the shortcuts from my list. Thank you for the suggestion though.

The problem with sales in stores and else where is people like me and my friends don't really care about sales else where besides Steam except for maybe Amazon. We like to have our games all in one place which is Steam in this case. I don't want to get from GOG and have to keep track of game shortcuts in my

No matter how hard I try I can't seem to get sweetfx to work on anything. It didn't work on Wind Waker. When I put it in Skyrim the game ended up making my character start swimming in mid air.

Game theorists video about why they explode is more interesting than this doll.

Did anyone else use to think Link was Zelda way back when the original game came out?

Ok. I saw you mention lack of exploration and puzzles so I just wanted to point out that they were there. Honestly though, games aren't designed the way they use to be. Games last 10 hours instead of 40. I remember getting a game and not being able to finish it for sometimes months, now they can be done in less

No I'm saying the reboot is better because it was actually fun for me. I didn't have fun trying to play the original Tomb Raider, it just flat out wasn't fun to me. I wasn't interested in her character, the game wasn't exactly pretty even for it's time, and it felt clunky to me. I find your reasoning behind why the

Thank you for actually giving an answer.

Because Nathan Drake didn't recognize the people he murders as people. He doesn't need a therapist or have PTSD because he obviously has no conscience or moral compass. IE boring 2D character.

Why are you using words like emo and sheep? Aren't there better words you could use so it's hard to just read what you say and completely write it off as immature drivel?