
I use to do that but it became annoying after a while because Steam would periodically and randomly remove the shortcuts from my list. Thank you for the suggestion though.

The problem with sales in stores and else where is people like me and my friends don't really care about sales else where besides Steam except for maybe Amazon. We like to have our games all in one place which is Steam in this case. I don't want to get from GOG and have to keep track of game shortcuts in my

No matter how hard I try I can't seem to get sweetfx to work on anything. It didn't work on Wind Waker. When I put it in Skyrim the game ended up making my character start swimming in mid air.

Game theorists video about why they explode is more interesting than this doll.

Did anyone else use to think Link was Zelda way back when the original game came out?

Ok. I saw you mention lack of exploration and puzzles so I just wanted to point out that they were there. Honestly though, games aren't designed the way they use to be. Games last 10 hours instead of 40. I remember getting a game and not being able to finish it for sometimes months, now they can be done in less

No I'm saying the reboot is better because it was actually fun for me. I didn't have fun trying to play the original Tomb Raider, it just flat out wasn't fun to me. I wasn't interested in her character, the game wasn't exactly pretty even for it's time, and it felt clunky to me. I find your reasoning behind why the

Thank you for actually giving an answer.

Because Nathan Drake didn't recognize the people he murders as people. He doesn't need a therapist or have PTSD because he obviously has no conscience or moral compass. IE boring 2D character.

Why are you using words like emo and sheep? Aren't there better words you could use so it's hard to just read what you say and completely write it off as immature drivel?

Thank you for putting all of this into perspective. You said exactly what I couldn't think of saying, I couldn't find the right words.

It's a good thing though, they didn't overly sexualize her. They made her less about her looks in this one and more about what she has to go through. There is no reason we should have overly sexualized female protagonists anymore, THIS ISN'T THE 90's anymore.

Its an option to people who didn't have the opportunity to play the games on the original platforms. Maybe someone didn't have PS3 but got PS4 because it was a good pick for them above the competition so now they have the option to play Last of us or GTAV. Or maybe they knew they'd get a PS4 or Xbox One. There was

How is it an HD remake if it's in HD already? Also how is it a remake if it's being ported over?

Hey look someone has made a fact on this site. Now I've seen everything.

It's not completely hassle free. There are still bugs in games (just look at Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas (yes I know that was Obsidian who developed that one)). The difference is when you encounter a bug on consoles there is A LOT less you can do to fix it except pretend whatever you were doing

Usually like a day later someone else has had the same issue and fixed it or released an unofficial patch for it. Dark Souls 1 for example.

It's not that difficult. I've noticed that it really comes down to what video card you have. Games these days rely more heavily on the GPU than other parts of a PC. Yes the type of CPU you have (dual core or quad core) and the amount of RAM you have (less than 8GBs is really limiting yourself) matter but the GPU is