I don't think they can keep someone in juvi that long. I think once they are 18 or 21 (don't remember which one it was) then they are released.
I don't think they can keep someone in juvi that long. I think once they are 18 or 21 (don't remember which one it was) then they are released.
I respect your opinion but I'm curious why such a massive time gap? They set out to murder the person. If they didn't succeed it's because they managed to not know enough about anatomy to know where to cut in order to with out a doubt kill the person or because the person they tried to kill just had that much…
Walking Dead Survival Instincts or the one that wasn't an abortion?
I have no clue what you are talking about. Physx brings environments to life. Going from Arkham City on Xbox to the PC was instantly noticeable thanks to physx. Papers move when stepped on, cobwebs react when Batman walks through them, caution tape will rip when it can't take being walked into anymore. What is…
I understand what you are saying but appearances aren't everything. Dinklage nails the character to the point where it really doesn't matter. Plus looking at a person that looked like that for as much as we see Tyrion would be unpleasant.
How is this related to the update that L4D recently got on Steam??
Can anyone explain to me what would be so bad about this? Without mentioning gmail sign in (which I'm sure you all do anyway for pretty much every other website), Google+ comment/sign in, etc.
Oh it's a meme. Meh.
Keanu Reeves is sad???
I am pretty sure they do that for constant server maintenance and stuff of that nature. I don't think it's right and it's the reason I really just didn't care to continue playing WoW after about a month. Just saying that's probably the reason most give.
Thank you for the tip!
The swords from Game of Thrones are much cooler and more interesting when described in the book. They don't emphasize the Valaryian Steel enough in the show.
NVIDIA Shield.
Why does Gordon not have a mustache?
You'd think they would be going with someone else to make this movie considering how much people (specifically fans) didn't like Man of Steel. Not to mention how poorly casted Batman vs Superman is and how it will probably turn out. I mean overall I don't think Zack Snyder makes movies that are enjoyed by both fans…
That first one was from Hush right?
It's set in the future though. You don't know they won't have Spider-Mechs in the future.
Can I reenact Wild Wild West with this?