
As amazing as these outfits are (and not to mention that they look a lot like the actors) I wish Rebecca had gone with violet color contacts. Unless she has them and I can't tell from that picture.

I was legitimately curious why bother doing it is all. I mean why bother clicking on the article at all if you didn't enjoy the game. I personally don't bother reading or looking at things I don't like so I was curious why you do. I didn't mean any offense.

I want to say people thought it was weak because the game play was still a lot like Infinite which a lot of people found very meh. I personally loved Infinite and Burial at Sea episode 1. (haven't finished 2 yet)

They why waste time and energy commenting on articles about it?

I could have sworn they remodeled her to look more like the cosplayer.

Ohhhhh that's right. It's been a while since I read book 4 so I forgot some of that (it didn't help that I found the first half of it to be a bit boring, especially the Iron Isle storylines). So much happened in book 3 that I didn't really even think about the fact that Theon wasn't even in it and was surprised when

What happened in book 4 that was in season 3? I don't remember seeing anything like that.

Eh. It's like the article said, he was there to be ripped apart. I read all the books and I can honestly say I don't remember even really seeing that name in there before. It has no impact on the overall story or the major characters.

I'm 99% sure Civ 5 has touch screen support though which may work in this situation.

Spider-Man 2 was an amazing movie tie-in game.

Spider-Man 2 was also excellent

That's the normal price for a "tablet". What bargain bin, off brand, tablets have you been buying that cost less than $200?

What PC games have you been play exactly? Legit curious because I can't think of a game on PC that I have that doesn't have controller support. Unless it's strictly a problem with the Shield.

Lol! I was only kidding.

Sooooo it's basically going to be StarWars in a device form?

It is in poor taste to have that billboard where it is but I'm sure the advertising agency or whoever picked the location didn't really think about what is nearby when it was chosen.

You don't know that, you're not a doctor.

Crazy people logic

Seeing it all over tshirts also contributed to why they aren't funny any more.

What about the people who don't like seeing a man and a woman making out? Is it ok for them to post that? When you make a big tech blog you can have all the not making out you want.