
Don't forget that they call her "Girl who was on fire" in the book. Thankfully they didn't do that in the movie. Compared to just "girl on fire" it is very, very strange to say.

Two awesome films (note, I do not care about it being an accurate adaption)

I don't remember what original Skyrim was like. The downside I see to modding is that something can really really break a game. I have been trying for a while to figure out what mods not to install in order to make Skyrim playable again. That may sound stupid to a lot of you but I have learned a lot about how games

It also goes to bills to help my parents and to take my girlfriend out once in a while. But of course I forgot that you clearly know all there is to know about everything and everyone's living situation.

It's not a matter of being hip for some people. The show is simply not as good as the comic series as far as story goes. If they did what Telltale did and make the show in the same universe with different characters entirely or if the characters were better/closer to the source material then there wouldn't be much

Because they are still a business.

I completely agree. Sadly this nation is getting more and more immature each generation. Its sad but true.

He also has a hardcore band. Not sure if they are still together though.

He's great on SVU and, for the short amount of time he was there, he was pretty good in Gears of War 3.

You may not be able to monitor your kids every move but when it comes to technology there is almost always a parental control feature. The Xbox 360 has had it for a long time. I was reading about how Apple owes millions of dollars to consumers because kids bought items on their parents iDevices without the parents

I love her in Supernatural.

How can you say how it felt if you have never played it?

...All of my money goes to paying bills which is what I said....

I can't personally think of any one who ran out to buy a console for Red Dead Redemption. People have gone out to buy a console for the GTA series. Rockstar stands to make far more money if they released it on PC. That plus the fact that literally every GTA game has come to PC means there is little to no doubt

That almost looks like Kristen Stewart except that girls mouth isn't hanging open.

Lol. I was thinking the same thing as I was looking at it and said but that's what the game looks like now and realized it said PS4 on it. I laughed because PC and all.

You can tell it not to do that. Last time I bought something it asked me if I wanted it to remember the password (or something like that) and I said yes.

Oh ok. I'll think about if I want to pay a bill or not that month. Thanks for opening my eyes to this

If it's 13GBs can it still be called a patch? At that point shouldn't it be considered a Service Pack?

They considered Tomb Raider a failure? I didn't know that. Why are they releasing it on PS4 and X1. I also heard they were supposed to make a sequel to it. Not being sarcastic, legit asking because I didn't know they called it a failure.