If it's 13GBs can it still be called a patch? At that point shouldn't it be considered a Service Pack?
If it's 13GBs can it still be called a patch? At that point shouldn't it be considered a Service Pack?
They considered Tomb Raider a failure? I didn't know that. Why are they releasing it on PS4 and X1. I also heard they were supposed to make a sequel to it. Not being sarcastic, legit asking because I didn't know they called it a failure.
I see what you are talking about but not everyone has the money to shell out every time a new game they want comes out. I personally am very limited. I can't afford $60 games anymore unless they are extremely special and personal to me such as BioShock Infinite, Skyrim, and StarCraft. Steam sales are very important…
If the game is actually fun to play then it will still have people playing it when the game finally does go on sale for a lower price. If it wasn't fun to play then the developer can learn from that and try to make a better game next time (may sound harsh but its true).
Now quickly, make a Fallout movie with just these locations.
Apple doesn't have a 15 minute grace period on purchases? Unless it was removed Google Play Store has a 15 minute grace period. I'm not trying to start a Android vs. iOS war, I am actually asking since I don't have or use iOS devices.
How is jumping over blocks and on enemies make it a puzzle?
Donkey Kong Country or the original?
But it's core gameplay is the time manipulation. What it sounds like you are saying is that any game that side scrolls and has you jump on an enemies head to defeat them is a Mario rip off.
I watch every week. I don't like the new episodes much the first time. When I go back and watch them when the next season starts I actually enjoy the prior episodes more.
Because people hate change. It's just a fact. When there is change to something someone is familiar with people need time to get use to it. I personally love when websites update their interface.
But that has absolutely nothing to do with the layout and the appearance of the website
Yeah that's annoying but it has nothing to do with the appearance of the sight which is what I think this article is talking about mostly.
Maybe yours is set up wrong. My gmail account puts everything to the right folder/organizer/whatever those four tabs are called. All important emails go to my primary, any email saying a game on my wish list is on sale on steam go right into my Promotions tab, etc. Also the letter thing only shows up for me when I…
Have you seen how much better Android has become and how much more fluid and well designed their Apps on Android have become?
I wonder all the time why Microsoft couldn't make Windows 8 smart enough to know when it is on a desktop or tablet. Android and iOS have been doing this for quite some time now. I figure it would be as simple as telling the OS to see if there is a touch screen and when there isn't. I realize desktops have touch…
They are tweaking the game far too slowly though and that's why so many people have left the game and why pro teams are disbanding. It's sad because of how much I love SC2 but the game has gotten to the point where it isn't fun. Protoss is too cheesy and obnoxious, Zerg can range from too weak to too strong, and…
What exactly is Microsoft doing that is so inventive and new that wasn't on Xbox 360?