I may be wrong but those consoles didn't use polygons for anything (at least not SNES or Genesis out of the box). They used sprites to make characters and objects.
I may be wrong but those consoles didn't use polygons for anything (at least not SNES or Genesis out of the box). They used sprites to make characters and objects.
Well considering how popular CoD and Battlefield still are then people obviously don't care if they get bored as long as it looks kinda pretty. Though CoD hasn't looked pretty since MW
It may also be the type of person asking. It may have been someone who is very socially awkward and possibly stumbled to ask which comes off as creepy. My friend has asked a lot of coplayers if he can take his shirt off in the picture with them (male and female, as long as it looked funny or made sense for the…
Gun Stringer was a fun and well designed game. The Kinect is better for more practical uses other than gaming. Such as home made motion capture. The mods people have made are incredible. Maybe not the most practical to use in a game but they are impressive none the less.
What game was this in? The 3Ds One?
Knights of the Round with mimic is called the Sandwich summon, it was created to give the player time to get up and make a sandwich then come back and the battle is over.
Heather Ledger based his Joker on crack addicts. Just a fun fact I read somewhere.
Voice acting is still acting. Go watch classic episodes of The Simpsons. The episode "Round Springfield" and tell me it isn't heart breaking when Lisa is saying good bye to Bleeding Gums Murphy. The reason it's so sad is because the voice actress for Lisa is in the character of Lisa and there for sounds genuinely…
It was a live action Anime and it was amazing.
Looks like Elizabeth has a tear that Booker is going to open
Video does not contain a lap dance
It's because they female body is more appealing to the eye to male, and even female, audiences. Don't get me wrong, I think the skins that are in the images are ridiculous especially if they are going for a realistic feeling game. It's kinda like in games where you make a character I usually go with a female…
This may be obvious but how do you run games at 2560x1440? 3 monitors?
There's no such thing as overpowered. It's just preparing for the future.
This seems like a place a hipster from America would live willingly...
Oh damn! That was funny.
Believe me I miss new IPs. I'm pretty tired of all the constant sequels that have been pumped out over this past generation. It's sad to see an industry that once had so many wonderful new ideas has turned into another Hollywood. While I want new games especially from Valve, to my knowledge they haven't released a…
They innovated between half life 1 and 2. They put physics puzzles on the map. They could very well do something innovative with HL2Ep3. Assuming they are keeping it an episode and not a full on game.
They innovated between half life 1 and 2. They put physics puzzles on the map. They could very well do something innovative with HL2Ep3. Assuming they are keeping it an episode and not a full on game.
All I know is he channeled his inner Fonzie.