You can also use titanium backup for when you change your ROM/wipe device. That's what I do. I also have the serial number written done somewhere.
You can also use titanium backup for when you change your ROM/wipe device. That's what I do. I also have the serial number written done somewhere.
Yeah that's what I was getting at. It's sad but that's the world we live in
Lol. The fox reporter named each one of those shooters by name except the Virginia Tech shooter. That was funny to me.
There are camera's that are recording things in the store so they do know you are buying it, cash or not.
Let them. They can see my Steam and data and see how much of a serious link there is between video games and violence. I've never done anything violent or illegal in my life and I am frequently playing violent video games.
As soon as my dad showed me the report last night I said immediately, "they are going to try and tie video games to this."
It was in some rumor recently that found evidence in the 360 version of a PC and PS4 version. The name Orbis (or whatever the PS4's code name was) in some section along with a spot that said PC graphics override. Just to be clear the ones who found this did so through files from a torrented copy of the game for 360.
Think about it logically. Do you have Steam? If yes, then look at your game library. Do you have multiple games that have been installed but never played? If yes, then start at the top of your library list. I would say starting from the top go down the list alphabetically and try a game for at least an hour. If…
It's not up to the developer to promote the game though. It's up to the publisher to promote it.
Yeah or maybe it's a cool feature added to make the world feel more alive. It helped City and Asylum and it made Borderlands 2 look really awesome.
If you can't tell what's going on because there are small bits of extra detail on screen then maybe you should disable it. It's extra environmental stuff to feel more immersed in the world. In Arkham City/Asylum, seeing all the papers littering the streets fly around when you step on then off of them added to the…
But the fog is using physX, he said so in the video. The fog moves using physX, it's not animated. Which is why you don't see it at all on consoles.
OK? So? The games are developed primarily for Nvidia cards. Says so as soon as you boot up the game.
Actually the PC version is $10 cheaper than the PC version. Soooo yeah...
That's funny. I didn't realize Mirror's Edge had PhysX. I guess it would help if I played for more than a couple of minutes of the game on steam.
Oh ok. I thought they meant something like a new area or along those lines.
Ohhhhh! See when I think features I think of things that would enhance the game (visuals aside that is) not hinder it.
Chances are he meant steam. Whatever he was hanging from looked like it was generating steam.
Yes I was but it was mostly a joke though.
What PC only features did AC have? I played through the 360 version and am still playing through the PC version but I don't recall any PC only features.