
Not without at least doing some research on the subject first so I don't sound like a complete moron.

Probably because they don't have to directly deal with hardware like PC gamers do.

As I said at the end, it's for comedic purposes. He said himself in a description or video that it's sarcasm.

There is nothing wrong with retro style games as long as it actually fits the style of the game. Graphics aren't everything whether they are really bad or really good.

That really wasn't all that funny though...

They are looking to fix continuity problems with the next film coming out... Maybe next year I think. Which is why they are bringing back the older versions of characters that were in first class and all the other mutants.

He's more pointing out mistakes in the movies than saying he didn't like that they did such and such. For instance, it didn't make sense that the guy was punch Logan in the face without getting hurt but when Logan starts fighting back that's when the guys hand breaks and you hear metallic clanks. It's made for the

That's a good attitude to go into seeing a movie that has prior source material. However if you didn't want the video it's not really what you think it is. It's not pointing out what the movie did wrong from the comics. The video is pointing out what it did wrong in terms of just being a movie. It's pretty funny,

It castrated Deadpool as a character. Which is a crime because Ryan Reynolds is perfect for the role of Deadpool. Hopefully whenever they make the Deadpool movie they will pretend Origin didn't happen and start fresh but still keep Ryan Reynolds.

I think you should. Out of all 3 of the X-Men movies (Last stand and Origin don't count in my opinion), First Class was my favorite. Days of Futures Past is shaping up to be pretty awesome.

I got one of those cheap 3rd party wireless adapters for $12. The CD didn't work at all. A few minutes on Google and I found instructions on getting drivers installed manually. It is a bit of a hassle but I've found 3rd party controllers are kinda really poorly made. Even the Logitech ones.

Can someone explain to me the appeal of MOBA games, specifically LoL? I don't like or understand MOBA's, I clicked on this because it said eSports.

I can't think of anyone I know that liked either Cars movie.

"All computers should have StarCraft preinstalled" Husky speaks the truth.

Playing the Arkham games showed me something. Batman is a massive dick. He injures some of these henchmen to the point where they probably will be in a wheelchair for the rest of their life or paralyzed in some way. It seems like killing them would be more humane.

Batman has kryptonite on him at all times (to the best of my knowledge at least, I don't read too many comics sadly)

That was in the I Am Legend movie (whenever the hell that came out)

It was probably the guys who made the song who asked him to do it.

Based on how they were acting, it was probably planned. It sounded like they were saying things that was rehearsed.

He's implying that the other games weren't as enjoyable without Link. I am inclined to agree with him. I tried Soul Blade, Soul Caliber 1, Soul Caliber 3, and which ever one had Vader in it (that may have been 3 I really don't remember), none of them were as fun as SC2 was when playing as Link.