
There isn't a new Halo every year.

I'm intrigued by the Wii U but I don't know if I am ready to let Nintendo hurt me again.

What is that GIF from?

My Samsung TV/BD Player has been doing that for quite a long time now.

I've had this box for quite some time....

I loved Descent. I completely agree with you.

I'll play it if they release it for PC. I'm very much done with consoles.

I only played the beta for BF3 and can confirm that it was very similar to Bad Company 2 except for some class changes.

If you want to look at jaggy images then yes consoles are better

I got the PC version with my video card and I immediately got rid of the xbox version. I have no idea why you are having so many issues with the game, it runs much better than consoles and if you have an Xbox controller to use then it is perfect. Also I got it in December.

Did they revamp the visuals or anything? That looks exactly the same as the current PC version.

I was a Hipster before it was cool then I took an arrow to the knee.

Alright now that was really funny

WOW! Movies cost $6.00 at lowest and that's when you see the first showing of the day. Where in the hell do you live that movies are that cheap?

I don't see how it was a cash cow sequel seeing as it was released 5 or 6 years after the first one.

I really really liked it a lot. The ending really got to me though.

Not many but Apple only has 4 phones to support.

I hope so. I bought the all the Ghost Recon games on Steam because they were on sale. I loved both GRAW games on xbox and was extremely disappointed to find that the PC version was a first person shooter -_-

Chances are it won't have more than about 5 major upgrades but that's just an assumption based on previous iPhone releases.

I didn't think the iPhone 3G got iOS4. If this is true then isn't that fragmentation right there? Also some games, Infinity Blade for one, won't play on the older iPhone models which could also be considered fragmentation. At least in my book that counts.