
The problem with it just being on a hard drive is it would run out of room very quickly. When you factor in the data for save files, patches and updates for each game, DLC, system updates, movies, tv shows, music, etc. Assuming the individual has movies, music, and shows that they want to put on the drive. The only

So you want it to be like a DS with multiple slots?

He was just a little too ambitious with his promises and what he said he'd deliever in his games, specifically in the Fable series, which no doubt put excess stress on the development teams which definitely leads to sloppy work. On the other hand he had good ideas. That's why I'm putting it so bluntly like that.

Both Rare and Lionhead will either get much better or worse from this. Only time will tell.

Thank GOD he wasn't. I could have pictured that getting old fast. Not saying he isn't funny or anything but I don't think I could take it for a whole game.

In scale isn't Morrowind the largest Bethesda has made for one of their games? I know that Skyrim is, in scale, larger than Cyrodiil was when I played Oblivion but out of all of them I thought Morrowind was the largest the company has made. I am simply talking about the size of the map that we see and move around

Request that a modder make the Gauss rifle for Skyrim. Modders have made things like lightsabers, I don't see why someone doesn't make an archery mod like that.

Do you really understand just how much code, scripting, etc is involved with a game this size? Bethesda is not a bad Dev in the least. This kind of game is massive especially when releasing it over 3 different platforms that all have generally different architecture. As StarkRavingMad said the PS3 has got very

They probably had a separate team working on each of these games including AC: BH and AC: R. Once AC2 finished they probably had one small team begin work on AC3 while others worked on the other two AC2 spin-offs.

It could be awesome but I feel like the climbing aspect that is so heavily related with AC may be a bit strange depending on the time period it's set in. Then again I'm not an expert on Asian architecture so who knows.

I really hate this whole everything has multiplayer now and that devs are focusing more on fine tuning a multiplayer aspect rather than making the part of the game that matters more enjoyable. For the record AC's MP is actually kind of fun this is a general statement about almost every game that comes out these days.

Considering it isn't centered around a sport and there is a story to all of the games with improvements made each release I don't quite see how it is turning into FIFA.

You are correct. I recall a few people being upset when they found out the entire AC1 actually had a sci-fi thing to it and a modern day set up. I know that is one reason I was so excited for the first game, it was something different and new.

When did that happen? If it was Revelations then that explains why I don't recall it, i haven't played it yet

Mhm I sure do love Steam.

Why these things aren't already in the game is astonishing. These are all incredible features. That mudcrab....

I watched Return to Oz recently and it was pretty fucking weird. Designs of the characters and all that were so bizarre to me which is what I assume the original books intended.

I remember when Final Fantasy games didn't suck.

Soooooo you are telling me that we are similar to the Zerg?

Lol. I have bought that battle chest so many times and I always forget it comes with a guide.