
I wish I could read what that says in the image. Lol.

I have never pirated a game before.

The most important thing about this bill that they may not have mentioned, if it passes there won't be anymore StarCraft 2 pro Streams.

Steam is obviously not the only one around but it is the best one. They have amazing sales on games that people actually want to play, it's easy to use, and when you buy a game once you don't have to worry that you may lose the game or it's content at some point for some reason. I don't like Mac computers but the

On Steam and go to the settings under the Steam drop down menu at the top. Go to Downloads+cloud. Make sure you have the correct internet connection selected (In my case i have Cable/Fiber > 10m). If not then I'd consult your service provider about slow DL speeds. If that isn't the problem then don't install your

Does Steam do that too?

Idk what you are talking about, I'm outraged over the fact that it isn't available on Steam. Steam is what is keeping PC gaming alive. If it wasn't for their sales there are about 60 games I would have never bought. Since creating my steam account in, I think it was 2008, I have just a little over 100 games on

I think being a diehard customer is more alive than ever. For instance, myself. It has to be revolutionary for me to buy a game that Activision publishes. Even though I know they are a merged company I still like to lie to myself and consider Blizzard seperate from activision so they can still have my money for

Yeah I can't see how Steam has some sort of restrictive terms of service for the publisher and/or developer. If you ask me Steam is what is keeping PC gaming alive. Steam and StarCraft 2 converted me to a PC gamer from being a hardcore console gamer. EA is shooting themselves in the foot.

I guess I should be glad that I have to get it on the 360 since I've been building 4 different commander Shepards since ME1 came out.

That is quite the impressive resolution. Now the trick is finding content to watch at that resolution.

How do I go about getting this mod for my game?

It definitely wasn't Dark Souls. I've never played that game and I know the sound effects to the one he was playing, I just can't put exactly where it was from. I think it was Ninja Gaiden though.

All it takes is for one idiot to hold the button too long and then we have a lot of dead people.

Love M.I.B.

What data cap?

Actually its cheaper because it doesn't have pointless add one like front and back cameras and a GPS. The quality on mine is terrific. Intact I'm typing this comment on it right now.

Gizmodo really sucks. I have not had a single issue with my kindle fire. I absolutely love it. Its what a tablet should be at a good price. It doesn't have useless things like cameras, GPS, and that nonsense. I use it to play games and browse the internet. Part of me wishes it had 3G and access to the regular Android

I hate when companies promise the next Android update before their phone is even out. I don't see what would be so difficult in just shipping with the update instead or working from the ground up with that version.

This is a good idea to some people? Why?