
Steam Holiday Sales are why I am in so much credit card debt. Well them and my lack of self control for games that released with in the past year and half that cost $5.

I'm going to make myself The Red Priestess and assist King Stannis.

It makes me so happy to see what I have to look forward to like a week after black friday. Until then I will have to settle for playing this game on medium settings.


Hide your space cash everyone, and keep Finland quiet

Yeah we as a species (I refer to the human race as a whole) aren't advanced enough to know to not kill people for having slightly different beliefs or slightly different color skin. Imagine what we would try to do to something that didn't even look human... oh wait we would probably try to kill it and eat it like we

Bigfoot is real he just likes to hang out in out of focus areas.

That skit is the first thing that came to mind. Well actually second. The first was Will Smith saying "Welcome to Earf" and punching that alien in the face.

Who didn't see that answer coming a mile away?

Welcome to Earf

Fucking fourth dimension! Think they are so great.

Idk why people think petitions get anyone anywhere these days. Especially when it comes to asking the government for the truth about something that may or may not have been covered up for the past what? 60 years or so? (I can't remember the dates right now)

I'm not sure why but that made me literally LOL.

If you were abducted by strange beings that look nothing like anyhting you have ever seen before in the middle of the night during your REM cycle is your first thought really going to be, "holy crap I can ask what the cure for cancer is!"

If you ask me everyone is babied too much these days, even boxers.

Women I think mostly read those right? I think it's in there for added effect.

I was watching 'My Ghost Stories' on Bio yesterday and one of the stories was about a prison riot in New Mexico (I think that's where it was at least). Apparently in the riot the prisoners used smelling salts to keep another inmate awake while they tortured and maimed him, and then took out his junk with a blow

Alright I didn't read the article it was far too long and I can't sit up much longer to read it so I just looked at the picture instead. If the picture is actually related to the article, they did it on House in an episode.

I can't process what is disturbing about that video. Someone please 'splain it to me.

When you see the article why would you click on it and then continue to READ it when it hasn't aired over there yet?