fuck you, leave
fuck you, leave
The American dream is to be able to leave America nowadays.
Why not you? Nobody’s making you stay.
I’m sure if you asked nicely, the editors would offer you a complete refund.
I wonder if that was a big part of why that was a strike, because hostile management and poor compensation were driving away talent and making life - both professional and personal - significantly more difficult for the remaining staff.
That was a fantastic race and incredible win for that team. Great start to the MotoGP season, I hope the rest of this season is as exciting.
He looked like a total badass. The control of his weapon points to adequate training. Glad he’s armed and spraying our highways for justice.
Of course they knew. But they also knew that if they raised taxes to fix any of the crumbling infrastructure, they’d all lose their jobs and be raked over the coals for being freedom hating tax and spend politicians.
For the signals, check the actual bulbs/lamps before you chase wires. With dual filament lamps, a broken filament can hang down and cross one to the other.
Because most people don’t want to do serious jail time over a maximum of $900, and likely an inconvenience that will end up with almost everyone, apparently including the federal government on your side.
Yeah, what an insane take. The US Department of Labor is not at the beck and call of leftist dweebs. The business owner’s own actions got him into trouble. (Side note: Are we beginning to see the word “leftist” go the way of “literally”? It’s becoming like a vocal tic. Just add it into any sentence regardless of fact…
I think we found the shithead labor exploiting boss.
Even in the long annals of far right anti-union trash. I don’t think I’ve ever run into the claim that Unions are about shitting on small business. That is some sour grapes conspiracy shit.
Everyone reading your comment can smell that you are a crap boss, running a…
Same, except I used four ratchet straps, which has the advantage of being slightly less expensive, and has every other disadvantage you can think of, and several you might not guess.
How come we’re not trying to find evidence of a criminal history with the victim or implying drug use or dragging their name through the dirt? Isn’t that the standard next step? He did put himself on the sidewalk right in front of the cop car. Next time comply.
Many years ago when I was a evil banker I managed a investment portfolio, it was the Bank’s portfolio. Basically the extra money not loaned out gets put into secure and regulated investments like Treasury Securities, Municipal Bonds, etc. This generates income on money that is literally just sitting in the bank.
I mean, a Tiguan’s not that bad.
Read up on IN-N-Out and their horrible owners if you haven’t already.
On the plus side, him opening his mouth made me discover a dope local chicken place!
Reverse: Chick-fil-a is the perfect example of what happens when a CEO runs their mouth. Ever since their CEO made it clear he was anti-LGBT I have not darkened their door ever since.