
Maybe because he pitched 2.1 innings over the previous two nights?


Then he’s probably guilty of some mild-to-severe shady shit, no?

Just wondering, where do all the dogs poop and pee when they’re at the ballpark?

So you care more about your favorite team getting attention from the “media” than you do about the way they’re playing? The Orioles are great, yet you are super upset. Would you feel more whole as a person if the media talked about the O’s more often?

It seems hooliganism is a social version of fight club. In FC, machismo was proven via one-on-one fist fights. In hooliganism, machismo is proven via group violence, us v. them, etc.

Old person here. What is “dabs”? OK, OK, I’ll go look it up...


LOL, but to be Debbie Downer, would it be OK to make fun of someone’s shitty car, clothes, styles of dress, etc., because they were too poor to afford good things? Why is his seemingly poor lifestyle laughable? I laughed several times (your Ford Tempo comment was especially great), so I’m not judging...

Adderall, not steroids.

That’s too bad. Wisconsin is one of the most respected and prestigious public universities in the United States. How does Scott Walker keep getting reelected?

Eclipse your face.

Hannity really said this? Really?

Ripken used Adderall, not roids.

MLB would stifle that info from being released. They'd want to protect him and his golden boy image that reflects so nicely on the game.

I bow to thee Attorney Wizzle.

How many of these NYPD officers have arrested people for assault?

I was expecting, Step 1: Quit Smoking

Nope, Wario was the best for his evil laugh.

Maybe a lot of people are training at the Rose Bowl's sporting complex, and running around in circles with phones in their pockets.