
I'd add that MLB also targeted A-Rod to help the Yankees weasel their way out of their contract with him.

It's good to know that a football game will take priority for snow removal.

That or PCP.

Almost starred you until I read "black." Because no white people benefited from how the events have unfolded, right?

I think equating the circumstances surrounding Jameis with 9/11 being an inside job is a good example of the logical fallacy of false comparison.

It's also somewhat fashionable these days to ignore science, downplay the value of critical thinking, discourage empathy, and promote belief systems based on conspiracy theory trash.

Impressive, but candidate for goal-of-the-year?

You don't think that many professional MMA fighters have a latent bloodthirst?

Not to be a troll, but isn't this what an MMA fighter would do if a ref. wasn't there to stop him?

Such a loser, I know.

I recommended your post, but I think being a fan of a team means that the team becomes part of your identity. And so when the team wins, it's as if fans of the team win. Why do many Americans brag about their military or economic exploits throughout history? Because it makes them feel good and validated. It's always

Chocolate chip cookies. Calcium. Also, I guess skim milk is an acquired taste because I don't mind it anymore.

Maybe people drink skim milk because their doctor recommended that they do so for their high cholesterol. Meanie.

Banned for what?

Say whatever you want (i.e., exercise your 1st amendment rights), but don't be surprised if you get fired from your job or called racist. In other words, your employers, the public, etc., will also use their freedom of speech to respond to your ignorance.

So, what's the appropriate length of time to wait? 15 seconds? 30 seconds? an hour? At what point is acceptable for the driver to say, "OK, this biker is oblivious to everything, I'm gonna go now."?

Dude, I sat at the stop sign for 10 seconds waving the person to go. She ignored me. Was I supposed to sit there all day hoping she'd snap out of her pot-brownie daze?

Thanks for the PDX shout-out, I can relate. In downtown Portland, I pulled up to and stopped at a 4-way stop sign, wishing to go straight. A cyclist was at the stop sign perpendicular to me, wishing to turn onto the road I was about to head straight on. I'm not sure who had the right of way, so I waved her ahead

Thanks for performing an important and thankless job for society.