Eff you.
Eff you.
Am I evil for hoping for the bear to deliver some ferocious paw swipes when those idiots snapping photos got too close?
I thought he quit drugs.
So does this mean that if I take a photo of an adult celebrity and choose to sell that photo to someone, the celebrity should get a cut of the proceeds? To be clear, I agree the NCAA is a joke, and I agree it's wholly unfair for student-athletes to be barred from making money while the league and others collect on…
He should be disqualified for pushing the 2nd place guy away at the end.
Excellent, insightful article.
Mom insults? I didn't realize 8th graders read deadspin.
Go eat a bag of donuts you fat fuck from Brooklyn.
Sorry, but your feelings are wrong.
Sorry Vinny, but you're wrong.
Jerry Remy seems like a genuinely nice guy. He's always missing broadcasts for cancer treatments (I think), but him and Don Orsilo work well together. I hope he is back on the air soon.
It looked like he was safe until it was replayed in slo-mo.
rim shot!
Not sure it's boring when I guy flies over the fence to catch a ball, AND when a hit is called a home run.
Well, for a couple of reasons, I guess:
Great athleticism, but why am I in a minority of fans who thinks that if you catch a ball but land over the fence it should be called a home run?
Notice too how the driver checks his car for marx after stopping.