The penguin man fuckin killed me.
The penguin man fuckin killed me.
The Cooper S is a BLAST. I've only driven a convertible AT, but even that had all the grip and cornering you could want. Just a great car.
I suppose "honor" would be a better word. We might just see this issue differently. I grew up watching Earnhardt and see the #3 as his only. Being compared to Earnhardt wouldn't be a bad thing, and in fact an honor that would be more meaningful if the comparison were brought about because of driving style and…
Not exactly...
Yet another reason I hate being associated with the "teen" demographic. I'm not here to chime in about driver awareness and how teen drivers suck, that all goes without saying and regardless, as long as humans are piloting hunks of steel around, tragedies like this will happen. My issue is with the lack of grace and…
I understand RCR's involvement in making #3 a legend, but all I want to know is why would you want to drive the #3? Dale Earnhardt was NASCAR right up until the day he died, and still today his name and number are one of the if not the most important legacy in NASCAR. If given the opportunity, I would turn down the…
This has all the makings of a great car. I honestly might like the 3 a little better. I wasn't a big E92 coupe fan, and although it looks like they made some improvements on the 4, the 3 still looks more proportional.
This will be the year I watch LeMans in its entirety. Gotta love inter-VAG fighting.
I'm guessing this was a Pistonheads article? I should've checked that. I just watch him on Drive
I hope you're right. I'm tired of the European attitude towards American cars being so snobbish. Of course Clarkson bashes them, but I get more disappointed because Chris Harris doesn't even touch them. I'd love to hear his thoughts on the C7 or the new Mustang, but I'm not holding my breath.
My only issue with the premium vs. standard cars is when I'm racing in a premium vs. almost all standards. Shit looks stupid and takes away from the game.
You would post at 4:20...
There's so much more they can do with the Mustang. It's such a beloved car, but different people want different things from it. 16-year-old rich girls want a convertible with all the bells and whistles and a V6, budget track guys want bone-stock with a Coyote motor, and rich old dudes want a loaded V8. They could do a…
Or were you talking about the old school ones in the grille? I like those, but I don't think they'd look good with the grill. If I knew jack shit about shop, I'd make a pic, but I don't.
I thought of that too, but they're on the other pictures as well. Something like what Porsche does with the 911 is what I was thinking. I know 911s are a different kind of car, but the little bits of bodykit differentiating the models are nice. Ford could do something similar, just not as extravagant.
I see it a little bit, but it's vague. It's mostly the character line running from the front quarter panel to the rear. The Accord coupe looks like a slightly bloated, toned down Mustang. The Mustang is more low-slung and the taillight design changes the whole look of the rear for me.
I would've liked to see just a little bit of bodykit on the GT to differentiate it from the base model, something that's really been lacking in Mustangs. I'm talking about something little, but somewhat functional. Like a bigger diffuser, modified splitter and lower grill or a body-colored section between the…
I have a 1999 with a 5-speed and absolutely love it. All the mechanicals are solid, it handles well enough and it's slower than piss. Somehow the light weight and excessive body roll make for a fun driving experience for me. It's a wonderfully tossable car. The interior has held up marvelously over its 150,000 mile…
Because people still want Zondas I guess. There's some sense in buying a supercar in its latest and greatest form rather than a brand new one in its earliest form.