Needs Hurst Pistol Grip
Needs Hurst Pistol Grip
It's a big Jalopnik J
I live in Lexington, KY and see an Altima Coupe every time I drive more than 3 miles. They're everywhere here too!
Just saw "Pulp Fiction" for the first time a couple weeks ago, I have to agree with you. Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta make that movie.
Since the criteria is "Iconic," I nominate Ricky Bobby and the imaginary fire. If you haven't quoted this scene before, I'd be surprised.
The fact that your mom still has a 92 Camry speaks to JayZ and J. Walter's points. Toyotas are incredibly reliable, they've been that way, and they're going to continue to be that way.
So you were in a story with Elon Musk and didn't get to meet him? That would have me peeved.
As long as all the self-driving cars are Prii, I'll be fine with it. I don't want to drive one anyways.
Is there a downside to your job?
When you say "It makes you feel more connected to the road," do you mean that it's more grounded to the ground?
Fuckin magnets. How do they work?
There's quite a few Can-Am's in Kentucky. I've never understood the appeal to be honest, but it is a unique concept.
It has the Mazda line!
All I can say is I hope she takes wood. That would be preferable.
That's all fine and dandy, but I want my cars to be powered by EXPLOSIONS!!! I could give two fuzzy fucks about this technology. I'm holding out for Audi's synthetic carbon-neutral gas you all featured a few days ago. Renewability: check, Al Gore/Whole Foods people pleasing: check, and last but not least, EXPLOSIONS:…
#2 is truly classic. "It's like an alarm clock, people need ta be up makin breakfast or sumffin" Gets me every time.
Kentucky especially. I feel like a 4-year-old walking through a shopping mall driving my Civic in traffic.
"Wind is just annoying, internal combustion is good." What a wonderful quote. Long live the ICE.
the dude perfect guy has put on a few haha
*This does not apply to Chris Harris