
>>Except the Netherlands are still 5th or 6th wealthiest country in the world...<<

No, Neverland isn't a real place.



>>separate checks, lord. I don't think people realize how obnoxious that is.<<

>>"Do you have any calcium free cheese?"<<

>>...pulled out my phone and googled the phrase "mixed eggs" and it's not a thing...<<

That's for the benefit of any audio recording, but basically it's the equivalent of "stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself"

Police always use the passive voice to make it sound like getting assaulted by a police officer was something you did to yourself, or "just happened".

Neat idea, but utterly unenforceable.

>>Obviously the dates weren't themselves high school students...<<

>>...My school's prom used to have that rule ... Every few years there'd be an outrage because someone's sweetheart would be deployed...<<

You, sir, fail even at trolling. It's not really that hard, but you are terrible at it.

*Accidentally*, eh?

Seconded! I hate all these wimpy cry-babies.

It hardly ever is...

>>...reports that he was passionately opposed to water fluoridation...<<

Fools and their money?

Texas is goat-hoarding!
