
That is not bread.

Ha! You believe in the USSR?!? Patsy. Biggest lie ever told.

Yup. People wanted those other shows.

God “the Winchesters” was fucking terrible and NOT what fans wanted.

EXACTLY. Everyone remembers “traditional TV” as being utter garbage, and streaming to be a superior model.

Key point == “before the internet”

“Write-off” == it cost you money instead of providing revenue, so the govt wont tax you on money you didn’t make

It’s a “tax break” in the sense that there’s a “cost/show” in airing a lineup of shows.

Sure, but the world has moved passed a point where they will accept such limitations.

The long term consequences of this kind of behaviour will be a return to buying media in a permanent, physical format.

Deliberately creating a system that *keys on skin colour* - is NOT “unintentionally” racist - it is very much INTENTIONALLY racist. Like, on purpose, it was chosen. This would have been bleedingly obvious even in the 90s.

Are you nuts? She looks great. I would kill to look that good.

Birds are fake, remove all the counterweights

What else is fine art for?!?

I think it’s the same as how you kill a vampire: sunlight.

Is it though? We’re posting on Kotaku...

I don’t know what this article is about, and I purposely didn’t read it after seeing the image title, but now I MUST know!

Yeah, you can go fuck off. I started high school in Canada in 1995, and neither I nor anyone in my incredibly white suburban high school ever thought black face was ok, and there were some real racist pieces of shit there, but not one of even them wore blackface at Hallowe’en. 

I’m not so sure about that.

Sure, except that *every* double-blind test ever done to verify “EMF sensitivity” - has completely and utterly failed.