it would have to be blown east to hit the west coast of the US.

This isn't a new concept. The gaming industry has pushed hardware for years.

based on this, in my opinion the "average" woman is still quite attractive no matter where she's from.

@ddhboy: Apple isn't so big on specs though. The Android tablets will probably still have better specs but the iPad experience will still be pretty slick.

My organization has thousands of employees and someone spammed everyone in the global address book. Honest mistake in etiquette - fine. The real problem is when people started to hit Reply All to tell her not to do that and then more people would again use Reply All to say, "don't use Reply All."

@kineticarl: Thank you! 21 Mbps would be a preferable speed.

@moeblw: I completely agree with you! I'm always blown away by all the comments people make saying the iPad failed because it wasn't widescreen or that the bezel was too big or the resolution was too low. I love my iPad as it does everything I need a tablet to do. With that being said, though, I'm very curious

Maybe they're announcing the iPhone coming to verizon in July with the new iPhone? Who says they have to release the phone with the announcement?

@TechieOfWar: Ya, I learned this back in grade school. I may not have done calculations around voltage and sh** like that but the concept is quite simple. Do they still make lights with a simple series circuit like this? I haven't seen any like this in over 20 years.

I hope it leaves a blue spiral trail when they fire it

i can't believe no one has commented on the 3 exclamation points. twice.

i flew business class on an international flight once and they took away my nail clippers, but then on the plane they gave me a package with an eye mask, toothbrush and a RAZOR.

Hey #Apple, change the #iPad switch back to screen lock!

@GreasyPig: i have a 24"iMac at home and an iPad for portability (plus a blackberry). so far, i haven't come across a situation where i've needed more. i thought about getting a laptop for a fully portable computer but i honestly couldn't find a reason. i'm with you on this one, i think Apple's got something going

You know, I'm from Canada and hearing all this talk about Bush and Obama makes me wonder: "maybe I should get the scrabble app too."

@Eddard: i'm totally with you on this. my dad questioned the iPad's usefulness but after playing with mine for a while, he's seriously considering getting one.

@labbu63: punctuation would make your comment a lot more coherent. just sayin...

@Brad Childress, Analrapist: why? "your winner" doesn't make much sense either. i thought it should have said "you're a winner!"

It's kind of incredible that the iPhone got so many votes amongst the tech-savvy giz readers. Imagine what the general public opinion would be. I bet a significant number wouldn't even know what most of the phones on the list are.