
“refrain of ‘we need to know more!”
Seems to be such a stalling tactic they use, hoping to run out the clock until something else edges into the news cycle. sigh. :(

Yes this man is A TERRORIST and I hope he is prosecuted to the full extent of the law as such.

Yeah, people like to imagine this is an isolated incident, but it isn’t. Terrorism targeting abortion providers has been increasing in frequency at an alarming rate and it’s simply a more violent expression of the views and convictions of A LOT of people in this country, overwhelmingly old, white, Christian and male.

They know. They just don’t “believe” it. And that’s all that matters.

All the Republicans who have spent the last six months excoriating Planned Parenthood as a place of evil while promoting a sick gun culture have blood on their hands.

“A forensic analysis of the videos found they are so egregiously manipulated that they would never be accepted as evidence in a court of law.” Huffington Post

How don’t more people know the PP videos were seemingly “created” for partisan purposes? :(

Thanks for the simple act of listing this under terrorism. The gymnastics people are displaying to avoid that word/ definition of this act staggers my mind.

I picked one of these up on preorder when it came out, it’s not bad for $50. Desperately needed Google’s services IMO (I use most of them both professionally and personally) but luckily side loading the Play Store was super easy without rooting or anything and so far everything works great. I’m using Chrome, Youtube,

I picked one of these up on preorder when it came out, it’s not bad for $50. Desperately needed Google’s services

Yeah. I did just buy one. For 35$ if I brick it I won’t cry.

Yeah. I did just buy one. For 35$ if I brick it I won’t cry.

A Steam Controller does work with non-Steam games, so long as you add them as a non-Steam game to your Steam library. I think Origin games can require a launcher command to make sure they launch correctly, but I forget what it is.

Gonna disagree with Mechavolt, I’ve found the Steam Controller better in pretty much any game designed around a pad, except games that call for a traditional d-pad.

Got stopped outside by security so he detonated his vest.

I think it is very possible they tried to get into the stadium to kill many more people. The increased security due to President Hollande being there probably helped quite a bit. Even though any loss of life is unacceptable here, I doubt these terrorists were trying to only kill about 3 people.

Do NOT understand why people find Zoolander funny. Ben Stiller hasn’t been funny since the Ben Stiller Show.

What white baby boomers think is funny. Here’s why Hollywood needs diversity.

Your list has a serious lack of Army of Darkness. And Office Space.

I wouldn’t put Ghostbusters at #1 (not even sure it’d make my top ten) and I think you’ve got Blazing Saddles severely underrated but otherwise a pretty solid list.