
This explains everything. Ben Carson is so high he’s suffering from anoxia.

Man, I love watching the Republican debates. They’re a glorious combination of hilarious and infuriating.

I have watched all the Republican debates. They do not make you any more intelligent...

Honestly; you’re not going to learn anything by watching this debate. This series of debates has simply been a challenge to see who can compare themselves to Ronald Reagan or reference the Bible the most. You’re not going to find substantive policy discussions. I fear tonight the goal will be to see who can attack the

That is indeed high as fuck.

Also be high as fuck

Like, Ben Carson high

I collect them. Don't know how it started but somehow it did. Just one of those things that I do.

I’m glad to see that not all of my fellow Philadelphians are butt hurt by jokes about our city, like Schmoopi in the grays below

even as an Eagles fan I can say that this is funny cuz it’s true.

As a native Phialdelphian, I cannot disagree with this sentiment.

You know you fucked up when Philadelphia has the moral high ground

To all the baristas who want to strike back, remember: Writing “Merry Xmas” should cause these people to flip their shit, while still technically being what they asked for.

no way, i told them my name was STARBCKS HATES JESUS and when they called it out....I didnt respond so they kept saying it out loud over and over.

I never understood someone being hostile over a polite greeting. Someone was kind enough to wish you well-why fuss over semantics?

Remember kids: Black Lives Matter is a bunch of whiners who are looking for reasons to be offended. The real oppression is a lack of Christmas iconography on your coffee cups.

I don’t know. They may have a point. Those cups don’t look anything like the ones Jesus drank his Gingerbread Lattes out of.

In case it hasn’t been explicitly stated yet today, Jerry Jones can go fuck himself.

Tell ya what. Go beat the shit out of your girlfriend or boyfriend and see if anyone from the NFL shows up with a $12 million check.

Who gives a shit that he missed 19 games? He should be missing them all and the NFL shouldn’t be enabling this r from franchises. Any claims to moral superiority from the NFL head offices