
“In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty” which is why I pulled a gun on an innocent man until he proved he wasn’t guilty. Flawless victory.

Naw. He’d look normal if it was age. You don’t get a face and “hair” like Musk does without spending a few hundred K. The amusing part is that’s the best money can buy.

Why would a hacker possibly want to work for free, unless the actual payment was to be able to access servers and source code for down the road, with the being none the wiser to whatever he is planning? No wooden horse even needed.

I don’t use Twitter and don’t have strong opinions about the product, but it’s pretty common for content sites to force registration after a certain consumption point.  Yes, it’s a hassle for the user, but at some point the site gets to say “you are getting value out of this, we need something from you now.” I don’t

Yeah, the difference between Iger and Musk is that Iger did his due diligence. Musk did not. He agreed to buy Twitter, bots and all. Dumbass.

How many bots do Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc. have pumping up likes and traffic? How many bots manipulate Google’s advertising metrics?

I most definitely watched it as well as all the earlier specials going back to Killing Them Softly and his half hour bits before that. I haven’t missed one. Have you? That’s how I know this one was not so different from the last one, and the primary difference between this one and the last one was his troublingly

You can’t pick and choose who you’re going to make fun of.

You can’t pick and choose who you’re going to make fun of.

It’s three times. Kill him three times and it moves on to the next episode. I have no idea why this site keeps saying “chapters” when they’re call episodes in the game. 

I just completed this section last night.

I definitely agree that it was a significant and sudden tonal shift, and I think it worked fairly well—but there were some serious shades of The Sorrow in that whole process.

I have also discovered a new favorite activity: prior to building a truck, I didn’t do a lot of raiding

i am doing a no kill run too, but i was under the impression it didn’t matter in chapter 4 since they aren’t really people, and just went for the guns. guess we’ll find out lol.

I'm trying for a no kill run so I'm curious if it played out any differently for anyone who used one of the many, many shotguns scattered around. I just kept hucking my blood and other fluids at them until I passed the fight. It took awhile. I also just tried remembering my CQC which didn't seem all that effective on

Hey incels, it is YOUR fault that it is involuntary. Quite being assholes or creeps to potential partners and other human beings. Get some fucking self-respect and respect others.

It’s an interesting look at events but, as you rightly point out, the aerodynamics of an aircraft breaking up in flight are a far cry from modelling a simple ballistic trajectory on Excel during a coffee break inbetween the fun business of colliding sub-atomic particles.

The 980 km/h number cited initially in the article would seem to be the speed of the craft when it was out flying around.