Ahhh don't give up Pam & Rick. Third times the charm, amirite?
Ahhh don't give up Pam & Rick. Third times the charm, amirite?
Stats like this make me confused about republicans. You would think that a party that claims to be fiscally conservative would be all for this, but I guess they'd rather pander to their base.
The Alamo Drafthouse always plays a funny short before the movie about how texting is not allowed, and this one is my favorite. (Language NSFW)
I was on a work trip in London and we had a team dinner. It was still early when I got back to the hotel, so I decided to have "one more drink" at the hotel bar. There was a man at the bar who started making small talk with me. His English was perfect, but he had an accent I couldn't quite place. He was dressed in…
I want to hate the perky Kelly Ripa, but it's really just because I'm jealous.
I don't ever recall waiting that long either but maybe because I don't order burgers from there.
Does I.V. Doctor franchise? Who wants to be my business partner for the Austin location? We could take over the empty building formerly housed by Lucy's Retired Surfers Bar to catch the maximum amount of bros leaving Dogwood, Rio, and Kung Fu. You can't get a cab at 2 AM anyway, they might as well cure their…
Do you have a 3rd friend not going out of town who also has a dog? Maybe you could suggest that she ask the 3rd friend instead, and instead of paying for someone to watch the puppy, she can offer to return the favor the next time 3rd friend goes out of town.
Yeah, well at least her boys don't cry when they "loose".
In a prior life, worked as a contractor for a large public finance firm. I'd generally have about 20 hrs of meetings a week. Most of these were conference calls where I'd just have to listen in and didn't say anything. I kind of felt bad about it, so I asked my supervisor if he thought this was the best use of my…
I would answer it the way you did, that I would do what was needed to be successful in the position. I wouldn't debate the issue at the time, but would instead wait to see if an offer came in. You could use the extra hours as a reason to negotiate for a higher salary, but I would probably keep looking for the right…
And you should write about this on your mom-blog! That way your 5 readers can learn from all of your wisdom.
Haha, my two dogs did the same thing! The one who looked up is also the one who "watches" TV and goes bananas whenever there is a dog on the screen. He'll bark at the TV, grab his toy, hide it in the closet, then run back to bark at the TV again. I can't watch Animal Planet because of this.
Seriously. This lady owed money to the government, so to clear the debt, tax payers spend more money to process her, house her, and feed her for 2 days? Seems like community service would be a more appropriate punishment.
As someone who has been WFH for many years, I would suggest wearing pants that button at least once a week.
Rick Perry isn't gay. He just likes having sex with other men.
Dammit! Where's the *SPOILER ALERT*? Now when we meet good ole Dave B from Valeria we'll know he's doomed.
I stumbled upon Black Mirror when the Audience Network on DirectTV replayed it. Such a great show! It's disturbing the way that the scenarios seem entirely believable for the not too distant future. I can't wait for season 3 (or I guess since it's a UK show, they call it "series" 3.) I read that there was a delay…
What I find strange is that Kim K and also the Kim from RHOA are both too young to be getting botox! I think the frozen face actually ages them, because I assume it's only done by women 40+.