
Yes! This! Back in college, I worked at Foley's department store for a while (I'm dating myself as these are all Macy's now). We weren't allowed to park near the entrances because those spaces were for customers. I usually worked the closing shift which meant the parking lot was empty except for a few remaining

I suppose not... unless you're in Austin, we're not really "close" to anything else.

Yeah , that sounds like a lot of work. But it also sounds delicious. I'll pay you $50 to deliver your sandwich version?

Really? None of y'all want to try this $100 sandwich? Really? Look, I love a classic white bread, Kraft singles hot buttered melty goodness as much as the next gal, but I would totally split this with someone if I lived closer.

I believe Arizona also requires a vaginal ultrasound plus 24 hour waiting period. Since you can't detect the embryo generally until 5-6 weeks, even though you might know you're pregnant, it sounds like you'd only have a 1 to 2 week window to get the pill before the 7 week cutoff. How many people track their cycle so

Agree with Peep Show for Comedy and Black Mirror for just being an amazing ground breaking show.

I actually think this is a positive step. I suffered for years because I thought I just had bad PMS, and I needed to get over it… which made it all worse. And then a week later I’d be fine, only to be knocked down again the next month. I was lucky to finally find a doctor who listened to my symptoms and didn’t

Clearly you have never tasted the heaven that is Franklin's BBQ when you put Texas brisket at No. 20.