
In terms of arithmetic power, the numbers speak against you. The SNES CPU was rather slow clocked compared to the twice as fast clock rate of the Genesis CPU (and back then, the clockrate actually did translate to more horsepower). The SNES had a lot of extra hardware to help the CPU, but the CPU itself was not as


Just be glad it’s not a Pachinko slot machine.

Judging by Konami’s recent record, that person might as well get promoted studio art director or so.

I mean, I am sure that Gambits would be annoying to me too if there wasn’t the speed-up function in the Switch version of FF12 that makes exploration a breeze (also helps that I overleveled a bit at Lhusu mines to get a slight edge).

I am just playing FF12 now on Switch, and really like it. I am thinking whether the FF12 gambit system will make me appreciate FF13's system more, considering it’s an evolution. Despite having played until the final boss (but not beating him), I never really got into FF13's system.

I hated Snow too and his “bro” attitude. Honestly, I stopped playing FF XIII-2 too after meeting him again, enjoying it up to that moment (which essentially means I didnt play a lot of it).

Mirrorless, of course, turned out to be the future. And Canon is still trailing the company that went all in from the start: Sony.”

That in itself wouldn’t be a problem, as others pointed out FFX or Xenosaga do it too.

So in theory, the current X could become the lowest tier of the “Series X”?

What. Khan is gonna be in the new Star Wars movie?

I totally agree. Feature creep is a real problem in the industry, and with Kickstarter campaigns one should be even more aware of the dangers of it.

And this time it’s gonna be a trilogy, and the third game will be called Bravely Third I.

OK, I completely forgot about that actually!

The name makes no sense. Why series? Are more machines planned? And won’t that get confusing with the Xbox One X, which apparently is not part of the “Series X”?

Honestly, the time loop thing was not annoying at all to me. It went by really fast, especially with time speed up and auto-battle and it was interesting from a story perspective.

Bravely Default and Bravely Second were heavily connected, Second was even kind of announced at the end of Bravely Default. But the story is kind of completed.
I would assume Bravely Default II will be set in a completely different world without any connection to previous characters.

That part only sounded annoying in theory, but in effect was an interesting story bit, and went by really fast.

I wanted to love it, but somehow the battle mechanics were really hard to master, and I got my ass kicked at some point and didn’t even know why. Once you run out of those... diamond things, you’re basically dead.

Sleeping Dogs is one of the proofs that GTA-like games could benefit from cities inspired by non-US cities too. Hell, why not a European city?