Surely a person called Manny Calavera shouldn't have any issues with Death (jk love Grim Fandango)
Surely a person called Manny Calavera shouldn't have any issues with Death (jk love Grim Fandango)
SmtIV cant seem to escape eescape Nintendo’s 3ds blockade,
This is all a deception. They saw all the leaks and are throwing you off with these new leaks that are fake leaks so that they can reveal that it’s coming out tomorrow, and is launching with The Mario of Zelda: Pokémon Kazooie, where Ness and Samus team up to go 1080 Snowboarding against Andross. The system will…
She gets -1 for totally whiffing:
Please, please spend your money on this game to prove me wrong. I want that more than anything else.
I’m not gonna say Silksong because is trending on Twitter anyway, but I’m gonna say, I assumed Spelunky was already on Switch. Huh. It’s such a no-brainer, I’m glad we are getting both.
Seriously? Obviously the epic cut scenes set the CDI Zelda’s apart from a rather mediocre game like SOTN.
Sometimes I google image search“trypophobia” because I like looking at all the pictures of things with little holes in them... do I have trypophilia?
Stadia is for when you go to your Grandma’s house for Thanksgiving but she doesn’t have an XBox. Just an old ass Grandma box. But you still want to play Cyberpunk.
Stadia isn’t for you because you aren’t 12.
Stadia is a thing that’s only worth it if you’re well-off and is in an area where internet service is top-tier. Unfortunately, if you’re also well-off buying the game does just fine. And if you’re poor....just buying the game does just fine. Google Stadia’s business model is kinda depressing.
TiananmenSquare and FreeTibet also seem to be problematic?
Well no shit... who would have thought a Chinese gacha cash/info grab waifu zelda knock off would have mainland tendencies...
This explains why I’m having so much difficulty registering my new user name everywhere.
China doesn’t seem to understand how the Streisand effect works.
Yeah it has to. I this case the GPU is replacing a SSD/HDD, not the CPU/RAM.
What?! Are you suggesting she downplayed the attack to avoid causing a panic? I’m going to need a press briefing from Toadsworth.
Oh my god, yes! This is my favorite opening in a Mario game. They always dance around Bowser taking over the Mushroom Kingdom, but here he launches a full strike on a peaceful toad festival AND rips Peach’s castle into space AND pretty much murders Mario right off the bat.
The desaturation of color in Final Fantasy seems to correlate quite nicely with its lost sense of whimsy. I miss the days of IX.
I don't know what to tell you except this. My girlfriend hates political shows. She hates fighting robot shows. But she loved SEED. The relationships and head***kery that goes on in that show are awesome.