
Sleeping Dogs was REALLY good.

Boyfriend Dungeon finally puts dungeon crawling and dating sims together”

There are actually some great sets in the Friends line up, not to mention they’re a great source for colors you won’t find elsewhere. But they’re probably not so collector-worthy compared to the Creator Expert sets.

Naoki Urasawa is a master of completely unsettling stories.

Nevertheless, it contains good practice for any sort of disagreements, especially at family tables.

I love Gradius mostly for it being the base for my favorite shmup series, Parodius.

Laughed? I actually bought that.

Isn’t the obvious thing a Baby Jar Jar Binks?

Growing income inequality has to do with that too, of course.

The history of capitalist consumerism society suggests otherwise, but ok.

There are people who would get sick on first person shooters regardless. As I now live in Asia and it seems Asian people are more likely to get motion sick. I work at a Taiwanese game developer, and many of my colleagues cannot even play first person video games. Game developers even!

I can see the game having some sort of ending or post-credits scene teasing Half Life 3. Just to mess with us even more.

I feel like the fact that this focuses on Alyx and her father just tears open the old wound of the HL2 Episode 2 ending cliffhanger. Like, the more you care for those two, the more you REALLY want to know how the story continues after the cliffhanger.

I guess the cake’s not a lie in this game.

It is accurate. If you own the game, they add all the DLC for free.

That’s exactly why crunches are bad. This game would have needed a lot more time, not crunch time.

“I can’t see how this (relatively small blip) on Chinas radar is going to cancel their communism, or change their stance in regards to Hong Kong. It just won’t.”

By your own logic, you would have left Jews in Concentration Camps during the Holocaust on their own too. “Let them protest within Germany”.

Wrong, taking the problem to the international stage is the ONLY way to tackle the problem. HK is being oppressed by China and Beijing-friendly elites. They need help from the global stage. They need awareness on the international stage.

What do you suggest then?