
Absolutely. Beer's behaviour was disastrous from a journalistic standpoint, obviously.

Hard to change the hardware now, so for now, a price drop would do the trick. After all, Im pretty sure the low price point of the original Wii was one of the major reasons it sold like hotcakes.

One word: pricedrop.

Subsurface scattering.

Nobody is defending that Beer is completely right here.

That's the point. I guess most people think Beer was way out of line. And you are right, people deserve at least the most basic of common decency. But as Fish himself claimed, this was just the final straw, not the main reason for him quitting.

I find it equally sad though that said game developer frequently also abused other people, like japanese game developers or his twitter followers or even some of his fans.

Cultural male japanese exports I see:

I do distinctly remember games that did have swastikas in them. It's a tricky point though, as games aren't as established as media, so the makers usually do not want to get into any accusations of glorifying it (as glorifying nazi policy and symbols is forbidden in Germany and Austria). Actually showing swastikas is

Saying you are not pro Nazi doesn't mean you don't glorify them.

It's ok to have them in games etc., but we should never forget our history, because only by knowing our history (and that includes all world history, it would be also good for westerners to catch up on asian history, like japanese WW2 atrocities, etc.) can we prevent the same errors from happening all over again.

I do know a few girls who are incredibly hot, cosplay, and actually are total nerds when it comes to gaming and japanese stuff.

"What is a kid going to learn from people wearing random uniforms? Nothing" - that's the bad thing. If they actually made people aware of the atrocities, instead of glorifying nazi uniforms and emblems, nobody would have a problem with it.

As much as I think it's annoying to have someone bitching about how you are supposed to comment on something that PROBABLY via NDA you aren't supposed to talk about.

But, you aren't dead. Had that same person drawn a gun instead, you'd probably be dead.

The argument of "murdering would be with or without a gun" fails to recognize the fact that a gun is much faster in killing than a knife, and every other kind of weapon is easier to run from, while a gun can easily kill from a distance.

Yes, but my point was, it's the same device, so why should one half of the people pay 2.5 times the price the other half pays?

To be frank, most nude drawing sessions are hardly sexy at all. I mean, for training purposes, you have to draw less appealing kinds of bodies too.

Yes, but by saying "evangelicals", I already specified which religious people I mean. Evangelicals are the fundamentalists of Christianity, something like the christian version of the Taliban.

Personally I think the level and world design in NSMB U was the best in the NSMB series. In comparison the DS/3DS entries were rather lame, IMO. It was almost as good as SMB3 or World.