
First of all, that question is up for interpretation and is debatable. Second, that link explains the greek origins of the use of "abolish", but fails to do so with the word "fulfill" which is the far more interesting word in that verse, because essentially whether or not "fulfilling" means we don't have to follow the

Absolutely right. In essence, it was Paul (who never personally met Jesus) who around 30-50 years after Jesus' crucifixion started opening up the "jewish cult around Jesus" to non-jews, so theoretically the religion based on Jesus that was open to non-jews should actually be called Paulism rather than Christianity...

Matter of translation. The greek word for it actually does not mean "church" in the sense that we use the word "church" these days - the original means something closer to "community", "group", or "fellowship".

I've been a developer for a couple of years, with severel shipped commercial titles (one of them for Xbox 360, as a lead programmer). It was a small studio for shovelware-esque (but not too bad) titles, and I know that all.

Did it ever occur to Beer that developers might be under an NDA?

Also, don't forget: the first patch for the game is free. Microsoft only charges for any further patching required. So basically you get one free chance to fix your game (which should have been tested enough to not have such gamebreaking bugs to begin with).

What did Microsoft fuck up? The game was buggy, with savegamebreaking glitches which were completely Fish's own fault. The first patch is free, but that introduced an even bigger glitch - again Fish's own fault. After that, Microsoft charged 10000$ for resubmitting any further patch mainly because they don't want

Because they're not "protesting". The protester here is that christian dude on the right.

Which implies the jews, or more specifically the people of King David.

So I suppose eternal rules laid out by an eternal god, can change on a whim's notice then?

Where does he tell the jews to stop observing it? He came to fulfill the laws, not abolish them.

References for your statements please?

Well, get to know some artists. It's not like they are horny nerds drawing nekkid females, they sort of have a certain taste though and they are certainly willing to draw appealing or sexy females. I mean, those nude drawing lessons have to pay off somewhere, don't they?

Play the "Run for it" Superstar Road-2 in New Super Mario Bros U and say that again...

That one will come for sure. I mean, for all we know it's probably in development right now. But it certainly takes more time to develop than the 2D or 2.5D games.

Evangelicals mostly are.

Yes you can. YOU can be the trained professional. Which means traning, background checks, and a license. Just like with a car.

It's not about "supporting" or "not supporting" Microsoft. This is research, we all support each other and the people from Microsoft Research are great.

Although Grave of the Fireflies wasn't by Miyazaki but rather one of his colleagues.

That would be a logically illegal reversal of the statement.