Holy shit dude we get it. Your shtick is to constantly mock the mls. Get the fuck over it. Shit is so old and the league has actually been pretty fun this year. Some more big names, including the two big Mexican targets is a good thing.
Holy shit dude we get it. Your shtick is to constantly mock the mls. Get the fuck over it. Shit is so old and the league has actually been pretty fun this year. Some more big names, including the two big Mexican targets is a good thing.
Visiting hours were over at 4 p.m. and Coughlin showed up at 3:45 p.m., which technically made him late.
Visiting hours didn’t begin until 4 PM and Tom Coughlin needed to get to bed
Might have been their formation, but not their mindset.
Literally no one does this because no one dreams of being a punter.
... reading Penthouse Letters. I plug up one hole in the dyke, another one busts open.
some buy a 1990 gt-r to fit the hipster image
May I ask you why you chose the owl plates for your CR-V instead of one of the other designs?
It’s a vicious cycle.
As much as I love the Tour, it disrupts daily life all over France. That takes a lot of Gaul.
Looks like there are race relations problems in France too.
The Deadspin Staff wouldn’t put themselves on the list.
I have watched girls and women play soccer my whole life, and I have never seen anyone even try to beat the keeper from half.
Super progressive deadspin writers are allowed to say shit like this, but if it was anyone else these same writers would be crucifying whoever said it. Also love Howard’s insistence on a couple “fucks” per article. Feels like a jr. High kid trying to get a giggle from his friends
I agree the NFL is a model of parody.
Wait! I was wrong...
I hate every Terminator I see.
That’s true. At first I was like, “Oh, isn’t that old be become a boxer”. Then I remembered the entire point of the Rocky movies so it makes more sense.