
You sure?

#1. Joke, bro.

How about instead of this complex "playoff" system we just have teams play out their full seasons (including Bowl games where the best teams are matched) and use a combination of computer rankings and votes from people who have watched these teams play to determine who the best team in the country is?

"Always remember that anyone who tells you that gay athletes are "distractions" is just making stuff up."

Or to have more of them... Aren't there already like 128 swimming medals awarded each year?

Oooooh, is this performance art where you two pointlessly argue back in forth in a piece about a stupid, pointless argument?

Yeah, I hate the type of people that immediately jump to conclusions based on things that only confirm their previous beliefs. Especially when they refuse to listen to seemingly intelligent arguments from people who appear to have more expert knowledge than them.

It's getting harder and harder to tell which comments on Deadspin are trolling and which are for real....

You almost had it. It's not about guns in the hands of citizens when responding to a commenter like this. It's about noting that the Colt 45 was the weapon of choice for the military for a long while, and many police departments still use it as their primary firearm.

Maybe we should temper the value we give a "comment on Twitter"...

"It's fun to try and imagine ways in which the photos ... could have been 'misrepresented.'"

Guys, this really isn't a big deal.

"Jose Molina's Home-Run Trot"

I think even Burneko would agree that there's nothing offensive about the chili itself, it's when you dump it on watery overcooked noodles that makes it a mess.

I remember this tweet, and then following all four of you immediately afterwards.

To be fair, the hot dog Coney is WAAAY better than the chili over spaghetti thing. Same chili, but not over pasta. Makes a difference.

"And that someone will have to put it in braille for Jeff Triplette."