

But that's part of the point, there are old 20 4-year college NBA prospects because they've been weeded out by the system. They may have been 18 year old 5-star prospects getting by on hype who would have probably washed out of the NBA (with no education and no future prospects). Instead, they are college educated

Fair. But even a year of college (and living away from home, and playing against better players) will benefit most 18-year olds.

I'm not insisting on her knowing how she felt in the moment, but it seems like "Dick pic sent within 2 hours of meeting" would meet a minimum threshold of "pervy creep that doesn't deserve my attention"

"TONS of college kids wash out of the league."

"And how the hell do you avoid "accepting" a text message?"

Dude, didn't you read the piece?

Big difference between "exact reaction they want to have to something inappropriate" and "Continuing a date with a creep who sent a dick pic 2 hours after meeting".

"Could she have done anything that everyone would have agreed was appropriate and above reproach?"

Because LeBron James and Kevin Garnett are the exception and not the norm. I'd much rather see a few LeBron Jameses and Kevin Garnetts screwed out of a year of salary than the dozens of Lenny Cookes and Sebastian Telfairs that miss out on gaining maturity (and a free college education) for a pre-mature chance at the

Assuming this effect regressed in subsequent years as players/coaches began to understand the best way to optimize strategy around the new 3-point line.

"But it's never a good idea to voice your displeasure at where that fucks-per-month number currently sits via a passive aggressive email and a spreadsheet detailing your wife's alleged frigidity.

"classics like Dare to Be Stupid and 1988's Even Worse came out before I was born."

That's my point, as you acknowledge, gun laws aren't the sole contributor here. Murder rates have gone down EVERYWHERE over the past 10 years, including Chicago (despite the various loopholes you claim…).

Still not sold. NYC's rapidly declining murder rate mirrors communities across our country where gun laws have not been put into place. And if you're suggestion that the lapse of the Assault Weapons Ban is the direct cause of what happened in Newtown and UCSB, I'd have to disagree.

Ignoring the terrorism stuff for now (since that's more of a concept than a physical "thing" to be regulated), I'm curious if really you believe gun violence is "eminently preventable with strong legislation" as opposed to excessive drug use.

Fair point. I hope you posted this in response to EVERYONE ELSE on Deadspin comments (or Internet comments in general), and not just those with whom you disagree.

#1. Not sure why you're commenting on shit from over a year ago.

Just need to point out that the Magic had a 1.52% chance when the won the 1993 Lottery that had the NBA scrambling to change the odds.

Legitimately can't tell if this is sarcastic or not...