JoAnne Markov


I get it, it’s funny, but can we all just agree to stop talking about it because that man does not react well to humiliation. If I thought humiliation would make him retreat, I’d be all for it - but he’s the type to double down into a thermonuclear (ahem) measuring contest.


And Jeremy Irons as Scar is a stroke of casting genius.

Someone got our dear orange leader a prescription for ADHD meds and managed to keep him to the script for once. He himself is not suddenly “presidential.” Even if he manages to keep his public speaking like this for the remainder of his term, we would still have to deal with the “real” Trump when he speaks without a

Oh my god, I knew I’ve seen that chair before!

I’m always confused by these “do something for 30 or 100 days” challenges because I’ve always read that you are supposed to give muscles rest days. I get the appeal of doing something EVERY day, but I worry about not giving the muscle tissue time to repair itself.

I’m not sure how vacations equate to a year-round residence.

Interesting, thanks!

Uhm, which state do you live in. Need to make a mental note to move there by the time I turn 60. That, or return to my alma mater, which lets graduates sit in on classes for free. (But only auditing, not for credit.)

This, a thousand times this.

I was vacationing in Finland once, spending three weeks in the middle of nowhere, but I had a Kindle and a charger, and WiFi. With that and my local library membership (and access to a digital library) I read 20+ books during my trip. BEST. VACATION. EVER.

I agree, I’ve almost gotten to the point where physical books are cumbersome and annoying - though I do still read them because I refuse to go all-digital. But my Kindle, especially when reading before bed or on the road? Priceless.

How the heck does one GET OUT of the gray? I admit it’s f’in infuriating.

If your standard for the quality of pens is Bic, then... yeah. That being said, there are many things that are lost if we give up all handwriting and go “all digital.” I remember copying my notes over and over as a method of studying. I had a college professor who recommended typewriters over computers for some (this

I once saw a documentary about Ralph and Joseph’s mother, Jennifer Lash (who was a novelist an painter) which was incredible. It was both maddening (in the sense that it seems she herself had so much more creative potential) and inspiring (as a mother, to see how she planted the seeds of creativity in each of her


I had the idea years ago to have a “sample shop” at Airports in order to allow everyone to have their favorite brands on hand in travel-friendly sizes. Sadly, ideas are one thing and making them a reality quite another.

I had the idea years ago to have a “sample shop” at Airports in order to allow everyone to have their favorite

“Not excusing her, but you can’t walk out. You can call an admin, but it really challenging schools no one will come, and they don’t want you sending kids to the office. Really defiant kids won’t go even if you do send them.”

This still image is perfect.