Joan(na) Holloway Harris

Alternate universe Mitt Romney.

I have said this before and I will say it again, members of the trans community are some of the bravest people I know. (Did I phrase that alright? I am a proud ally with no problem admitting that I may need more education in this area.)

Good point. I can agree with you on that. I just find it frustrating that someone who is frankly lucky to have a job that pays her so much money and opened many doors for her to bite the hand that feeds her so publicly. In a world where people, myself included, are just barely making enough money to support themselves

::Brief fan girl moment because the author is responding to me::

Regarding Ms. Heigl removing herself from Emmy consideration for Grey's Anatomy, Shonda Rhimes has stated that she asked for lighter work load that season for personal reasons. I just think it bears mentioning. And yes, I still watch Grey's Anatomy.

I'll take this into consideration the next time I'm not tuning into the Today Show.

Take heed Georgetown Cupcake! This is how it begins. The world should not be robbed of your delicious cupcake creations!


Fuck and yeah!!!

I just unfollowed Adam Richman on both Instagram and Twitter without being nasty about it. Although I included his handle, I doubt he will read it.

I know this is many hours later, but how are you holding up? I'm pulling for you. Good for you for speaking up here in the first place.

I've said it before and I will say it again, and I know I'm not the first person to say this here now, STOP ASKING CELEBRITIES ABOUT FEMINISM!!!! Here's a crazy thought: why don't we talk to people who have studied the history of and landmark literature associated with the feminist movement? (I'm raising my hand) Or

I do plan on reading this in its entirety, but for now I need to stop before I throw up on my keyboard. For GEORGE CHEN, CHENG YUAN HONG, WEIHAN WANG, VERONIKA WEISS, KATHERINE COOPER, and CHRISTOPHER MICHAELS-MARTINEZ I sincerely hope that law enforcement is looking into this site and taking it seriously. I have

This is why I throw things in anger. And get sick to my stomach.

Fine. I'll go back to doing the responsible thing instead and pay back my loans for the next 15-20 years. Thanks though ;)

Do you mind picking one up for me, too? Screw repaying student loans!

This is yet another in a long line of examples as to why society needs to stop taking everything a celebrity says as gospel. I am a proud third wave feminist and, shocker, I like and respect men. Those who have given such ignoramus answers as Ms. Woodley have clearly not studied the evolution of feminism. I'm not

I'm pretty sure that whale is being kept even more isolated and contained. Regardless of age, this adds to the shortening of an Orca's life. I'm not an expert, just quoting the documentary.

Amen! Shopping for clothes is not a fun experience for me. I've been made to feel less than and like a hideous afterthought in so many stores. I want to dress to feel good about myself, too. I don't think that is too much to ask.

I also have PCOS. I got my period very young, almost 11, which I found out is a symptom and my period was consistently irregular for 7 years before I was diagnosed and prescribed birth control, another PCOS symptom. After gaining a lot of weight in graduate school and working with a endocrinologist I found out that my