
Canada is like the grown-up version of Dev Patel; he was quietly funny and polite and smart in class, but he was just sort of there. And then he comes back after the summer going into senior year and BAM! Hotness due to more muscle, rocking that long hair and that perfect beard thing going on. Which only adds to the

Canadian Jezzie here, also an Old. I grew up reading the books, and this new Anne is *precisely* the Anne of my vivid little-Burns imagination. Yes, I enjoyed the Megan Fellows series (and have a personal connection to that production as well as this one) but this one’s amazing. The cinematography is gorgeous, casting

I’ve been watching it on CBC, and after reading the comments of others who have watched it, I’m definitely a minority. I’m really enjoying it! I like that it’s taken a darker spin.

Really good show.

it looks better without that shitty flat colour style...
and here’s the Title sequence featuring The Tragically Hip:

What did I miss?

The scenery you’re seeing in the series though is all from Ontario. :) Almost none of the show as shot in PEI.

The books were some of my favourites as a child, and I still re-read them occasionally -like visiting with an old aunt.

I loved it. When I re-read Anne as an adult I finally picked up on all the references to the chaos, neglect, and poverty that I managed to gloss over as a child. This series addresses that. The first episode was amazing. Four of us Canadian women were texting and tearing the whole time. It’s definitely not the

If they wanted to do a darker series based on Montgomery’s work, why didn’t they go for Emily of New Moon? That shit was dark and gave me shivers as a kid. Anne is about sweetness and light and romance!

rest in peace, jonathan crombie.

I haven’t watched it yet, but my grandmother gives it a glowing review. I’m sure some things will annoy me, but I’m all for new adaptations. The old ones will always be there (Jonathan Crombie ssiiiiggghhh).

I think they’re a hard series to adapt in general, but for any of its faults I’m happy about this development.

Because Americans are raised to be incredibly self-centered.* And because personally I was never a skier or camper, so I only recently discovered that there was a world outside of my house. But now I google what it would take to move to Canada. (Apparently I have to have useful skills AND I still have to pay US taxes,

um I am Canadian so maybe I am taking this a little personally but seriously how did you never notice before

I’ve seen a few episodes and it is surprisingly dark. More Deadwood than sweet, sugary nostalgia.

I’ve toured New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and it’s gorgeous. Hope to make it to PEI some day. (I’m a Maine Native, so it’s familiar territory).

Megan Follows gave me a perpetual crush on redheads because of that series. Luckily my wife is both a redhead and a huge fan of the books.

Looking forward to this.

The CBC has been broadcasting it. It’s a LOT darker than the 80s version. Just a head’s up, that’s all.