
That would be humble-bragging. And anthropologists widely agree that the Canadian race is incapable of such a thing, or that at the very least they die a little inside from embarrassment, so it’s best to avoid it.

I did not know this connection! So Matthew thought not only it was a good idea to beat up the son of his mother’s boss and jeapordize her job, but relates this story years later, but fails to mention he did something with a lot of fucking consequences. Neither one makes him look good.

Didn’t want to seem like even more of a name-dropper is my guess. ;(

Yes, she was.

Easy chairs are too big for tiny people with short legs. I always have to sit cross legged or slump really badly, and I’m 5'2", which isn’t that short.

Justin Trudeau had a legendary boxing match for charity against now disgraced Senator, Patrick Brazeau. Worth a watch.

Ever since Matthew Perry told that story to Jimmy Kimmel, I’ve found myself wondering if his mother — Suzanne Perry — was still Press Secretary to Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Justin Trudeau’s father, when this all went down at Rockcliffe Park Elementary.

What is even up with their sidebar story selections? There have been multiple instances of gross, NSFW pictures and headlines with movie spoilers being included there. They’re not even particularly good at picking neutral stories that would appeal to readers on a variety of sites.

“Oh look, it’s that person! I remember her! Same face!”

Oh yes. Pleeaaase.

It’s like the images of Pitt and Perry are the carrot and stick of abandoning alcohol.

Yeah, Gavin. That’s a real catch you’ve got there. You just keep doing you, buddy.

HOT TAKE: Out of all the Nirvana clones that came out of the 90's, Bush weren’t too bad.

Also, Russell Brand may only be 6-foot-1, but he always looks impossibly awkward sitting in chairs. Why is that?

I dunno. To me, Brad Pitt looks like he stopped drinking the giant stream of alcohol he was sucking down to deal with a psycho home situation?

Yeah, all that’s great. Now can you please take the people fucking off the sidebar? I don’t care if it’s pixelated, it’s gross.

Of all the monsters out there, you chose RYAN GOSLING? Baby goose?! Gasp!

Maybe they could duke it out on US soil. That way, Trump can finally claim a victory

Brad is a “starving artist” now. Hey, he can play that game too, Angie:

Gosling couldn’t handle a punch. And he would cry. Perry is fine.