
I’m firmly in Camp Blame-Price-Waterhouse-Cooper but this tweet + giphy is too good not to share.

I hate every piece of furniture/décor in the listing for Gwyneth’s apartment. I assume it was staging, but YUCK! Especially the swinging bench in the living room.

What a pity Eric Hobbsbawm isn’t alive today to weave the definitive narrative about the time this one lady goofed up on a teevee award show.

Cheeto fuck (full body Visqueen optional)

Please don’t apologize Faye, that was the most interesting thing to happen at the Oscars since some dude ran on stage naked about 40 years ago.

No, the alternative fact of “Trump Marriage” is “guest worker program”

I think the accountant from PWC should be taking the bulk of the heat.

Girl - no you didn’t. That f*ck up was literally 100% the fault of a faceless corporation named Pricewater House Cooper. This is not your fault. Don’t take that blame.

I normally like the Roots renditions of songs with kid instruments, but that really was a piece of crap.

Slightly off-topic — but still Richard Spencer-related — I enjoyed this 30-second video, more than I really ought to have. ;=)

Gotta disagree with the perpetual-runs part. He has the face of chronic constipation. The rest is hard and brilliant. Jewel-like.

Yeah I see it far too often for my taste though it reminds me more of the haircut I see women sporting quite often now where one side of her head is shaved down close and the hair is combed over to the side on top a look that also fills me with revulsion.

I saw him perform about 6 months after her death. I don’t know how he did it. I would be out of commission for at least a year, if not more. He still killed it too.

He’s been through a lot lately.

Funny how James Woods felt that mentioning his twitter was a thing. That him and Trump share that has to mean something. “All those egg avatars gone” was a blazing clap back. 

Oooh, Piece of Candy!

How can he still be alive/have money after doing coke for over thirty years?  

“Tom Hiddleston’s nickname at Eton was “Piddle” as in “Hiddle Piddle.”

I heard Trump started that whole Woods-on-coke story. Why would he do that?