Beautiful and well said.
Beautiful and well said.
i wish there was a way to defuse and declaw the signal to noise ratio that is social media and the internet. i think we, as humans, tend to take the vitriol way more to heart than the praise we receive online, perhaps out of some inherent lack of confidence in ourselves or self-worth issues - essentially reducing our…
I think i see Trudeau’s lips saying “Don’t even fu*king think about it grandpa”
I just want one world leader to specifically call out this one behavior. It is unsettling and odd, and an incredibly stupid “power move” to try to pull with your own allies.
Trump: *yanks hand violently, holds on too long*
Trudeau: “What the hell are you doing? That’s not how people shake hands.”
You just got to believe that Obama saw this clip and muttered “fucking right, Justin” under his breadth.
Lol, Trudeau is looking at Trump’s hand like he was asked to shake it like a good little boy after Trump spit in it so seal whatever deal.
Can anyone post a gif version? I’m from Mexico, and the video seems to have some sort of wall that prevents me from watching it.
Good. I hate when people try to dominate with a crushing handshake too. I generally counter with the rock-hand with no squeeze-back and a knowing little smile that tells them “I know what you’re trying to do.”
Hi Canada,
Well, Trudeau *did* beat the crap out of Tony Stark. So Trump’s micro-hand should’ve been no contest. But good on Trudeau. Sadly, all he did in this was encourage many more people to think Canada really is looking more viable every day.
I have watched it about 20 times. It never gets less great. J Tru’s firm hand on the shoulder? The set of his mouth? The alpha eye contact? Lordy—it’s like “Fifty Shades of J.”
Can we kidnap Tredeau and send Trump to Canada!!! I guess that would probably start a war with Canada though.
Canadian, not a Trudeau/Liberal Party fan but this amused me. Trudeau looks like he could have pulled Trump down the stairs.
YES! Other places are talking about how Trudeau owned him on the handshake. It’s going to kill Lil’ Donnie’s ego.
Sadam Hussein employed bizarre tactics like this, he always extended his hand low so you’ll look down like you were bowing to him. Fragile ego’d dictators constantly have to prove their manhood to everyone at all times. It’s pretty pathetic.
What is funny is that Trump’s hand is actually always in the under position that would traditionally show you are below someone. Then the pulling, or jerking motion, just comes off as someone who is actually low status desperately trying to show that they are a big boy.