Thanks, thats a good approach. It's so hard to find the right words, and I just go in a circle about it and then never get anywhere. I'll probably borrow heavily from you.
Thanks, thats a good approach. It's so hard to find the right words, and I just go in a circle about it and then never get anywhere. I'll probably borrow heavily from you.
Maybe. Does not believing in racism make Clarence Thomas less of a dick? He still supports things that hurt people, all based on his views that since he made it to the top, everyone else should be able to also, even without all the privilege/luck he had. I think there's still valid criticism to be made when you use…
I got pregnant a couple months before a good friend lost her baby boy at 36 weeks. I hadn't told her about my pregnancy yet, and I was so sad and unsure of what to do. I felt like it shouldn't be just something I told her in passing, and I should wait, but there was a window, you know? Wait too long and she'll find…
For me, at least, hearing someone like Mayer say she's gender deaf, and refusing to acknowledge that her identity as a woman affected her career at all implies that she believes (or is comfortable with others believing) that those women who don't make it as far as she has in tech (or any other arena) must not be…
Something very similar happened to my cat. They didn't get all of her ovarian tissue when she was spayed, so now she goes into heat every 6-8 weeks. She can't get pregnant cause she doesn't have a uterus anymore, but that ovarian tissue sure is regenerative!
I just asked my husband, and thankfully he answered correctly, as long as we could look at the pictures after, and they provide popcorn for the viewing party. His only concern was the logistics and performing in front of a crowd, but I think, (for teh science!) he could pull it off. :)
This happens in my house, but mostly only in my brain, and kind of the husband is a stay at home dad, and so he does most of the housework. And I feel guilty about not participating more in cleaning and cooking and the rest of it. It's crazy, because I shouldn't, because we agreed that the house is his…
I love Mary Roach. And that section of her book is hilarious. I love that she can explain science to history types without it being condescending.
I think it's ruffle. Rustle makes me think of trying to round up a bunch of feathers, cowboy style.
After the first ten comments, or first ten replies, there's a gray little double arrow dealie. When I click on that, it gives a scrollbar list of comment previews. It'd be nice if it cycled through to the next ten icons instead. Especially since it resets it's place back to the very beginning after you click on a…
I always feel like that stuff, while it's amazing at first, makes the burn hurt so much worse when it wears off, so I get into a cycle where I can't stop using it. Just me, or does that happen to other people?
The best "get rid of a sunburn" advice I ever got was to get into the shower as soon as possible and get the burn under the hottest water you can stand for as long as you can. It's probably terrible for your skin, but damn if it doesn't turn the burn into a tan within 48 hours, no peeling involved.
Have at it!
Ok, yeah, maybe not the devouring. But a quick pause to spaghetti my nipple, yell out "nom nom NOM" and then squirt my husband in the belly button with ice water just sounds like too much fun.
Right? No wonder some women come off as neurotic! It's gotta be hard to not look crazy when you've been told being sociable and eating healthy are signs of cheating!
I have a feeling this is going to lead to a lot of Jezzies derailing their sexual gratification in the name of hilarity. Next time we have a "grown up nap," there's going to be some combination of 17, 19 and 35 going on in my house.
If it helps ease your worry, I was GBs+ too, and they wrapped my heplock up real good and let me get in the laboring tub in between doses. I was able to walk around while on the IV, too, since it was a wheelie deal.
my guess is because some (not all, but my former OB was definitely like this) doctors act like a woman's pain during labor is an inconvenience to them. As in "could you please quiet down? I know you're crowning, but it's distracting for the doctors who are working with other patients" type stuff.
I had all my prenatal and postnatal care from an OB, but delivered in a hospital that was run by midwives. I thank God all the time that I made that choice. I wanted a totally natural childbirth, which I took classes to prepare for, but after 45 hours of labor, the midwives got pretty insistent that I think about…
Some do! I don't know about other HMOs, but Kaiser Permanente in CA has some hospitals where the entire L&D floor is midwife run, with a few supervising OBs for emergencies.