
Youre welcome. And congrats!

Congrats! Don't get too anxious! It's been lovely for me, and I know lots of people who love being parents...stuff like this post isn't always all day every day. It's just not as funny to talk about how cute your kid looks when he's perfectly quiet.

We just moved the lazy nights chatting over a bottle of wine to the afternoon, and to our backyard. Invite people over, or make friends with someone who has a fun place to hang out. Or, find a nice pub that serves food, and you can generally bring the kiddo there and hang out!

Well of course you're not ready. It's impossible to be "ready" for having a baby, cause you don't know what kind of kid you'll get or what kind of parent you'll be. Saying you're almost ready to have a kid is like saying you're almost ready to jump out of a plane. You're nervous as hell and changing your mind about it

Your friend might have had a lot of sick days stored up, or maybe worked for one of the few districts that allows employees to pay into SDI. Very few do, though. They pretend that they'll pay you partial salary (they call it differential pay) but unless you've been an employee for a while and make a high daily rate,

People's situations change over the course of 9 months. What may seem like the perfect situation to have a kid can very quickly turn into a financial nightmare. Should people try to plan and save? Sure. Can they always make everything perfect? No. Shit happens.

Not all planning works out. In my case, I got pregnant just before Borders went bankrupt, putting my husband out of a job. What had been an $80,000 a year household dropped to a $40,000 a year household. What would you have had me do?

It's the disability coverage for public employees. Not allowed to pay into it, not allowed to draw on it. So it's all up to your employer, and the state and city agencies aren't exactly rolling in the dough lately.

If you're a public employee (i.e. teacher), you don't get disability. So it's all unpaid, unless you have a ton of banked sick days. Really rough.

So I think this law is terrible, and I don't think it should be passed, and from a legal standpoint, I don't know if any law of this type is appropriate, but...are there laws protecting a wanted unborn child from violence?

It's crazy how a woman's body reacts to her baby's needs. My son is 5 months old and I breast feed and work full time, so I pump too. And because I pump I've actually seen the changes in the milk. When he was first born it was super thick and fatty and yellow, almost like melted butter. It gradually got lighter and

Try a magnesium supplement about an hour before bed. It's kept me from crying nightly due to exhaustion and frustration like I used to.

Ok, I'm gonna sound like I'm shilling for something on this thread, but I'm not; this was just a lifesaver for me from day one. Take a magnesium supplement about an hour before bed. I've heard RLS can be about a vitamin deficiency or imbalance, usually between calcium, magnesium and potassium.

I was the same, near tears with it. Try taking a magnesium supplement about an hour before bed. I've heard that maybe the whole thing is about an imbalance between calcium, magnesium and potassium, which is why for some people, eating a banana helps, and also why for some people, drinking milk makes it worse.

That article is so sad! "resembles a heavier Steve Harvey," and "a salesman t[r]ying to make ends meet."

She thought it was "cool" and badass to have a wolf, and since it came from a rescue she felt justified. Of course, she lied to the rescue about her living situation. And I'm pretty sure there were several illegal things going on, but no one with any power to change it ever bothered her.

I think it's similar to appointing an 18 year old to be your head advisor on geriatric issues - you could pick the smartest 18 year old out there, and yeah, the kid will get old eventually, but she really can't speak to the true problems and needs of those over 65 because she's never experienced it.

I knew a woman in a big city who had a wolf as a pet. It was horrible sad. She couldn't leave the wolf alone at home because it would destroy things ( like entire mattresses) so she had to take it everywhere with her.

oh, and it doesn't usually have anything to do with another woman, although it can. Working moms and moms who want to give their babies breast milk but don't want to nurse are two main groups of people who express milk.