
it's pumped breast milk, given in a bottle

I completely agree. She worked, and would probably be a wonderful resource if we needed to get advice on how to manage raising 5 boys, but to present her as someone who can speak to the issues most American women are facing just highlights how ridiculously out of touch both of the Romneys are with life outside the

Has anyone else here essentially been forced to make the opposite choice? Ann Romney got to choose to stay home because her finances allowed it...when my son was born, my husband had to stay home. He'd just recently been laid off, and none of the available jobs would cover the cost of childcare for an infant. So now

I totally agree. The law is crap, but this way of measuring things isn't new. As I understand it, all of the laws that cut off access to abortion at 20 weeks use this same way of determining gestational age, because all doctors use it.

See, the thing is, they're not taking away 10% of the time you have to get an abortion. Anywhere that puts the cutoff at 20 weeks has always intended that cutoff to happen at 20 weeks after LMP. Because that's when women are 20 weeks pregnant. It doesn't mean the fetus has been there for 20 weeks. I know, it's weird,

Medical induction and pitocin use takes you out of that whole "natural" had at least one intervention. If you weren't all judgey, I wouldn't say you failed at natural childbirth, but you are, so yeah...hope you enjoyed those unmediated pitocin contractions. Had to be lots of fun for everyone involved.