
You can't always deal with it, especially in small rural practices where they are struggling to provide the most basic of care at a low salary. At what point would you find it acceptable for those of us who graduate with $200,000 worth of interest heavy loans to say that we can't swallow it anymore? You can't always

I understand where you're coming from on this, but I don't think we can really ignore the "actual" character of the information she's trying to keep from her child, as though what you referenced is in some way equivalent. Doctors and nurses ask to speak privately with their young patients not in order to expose them

I don't know that I necessarily agree that it's straightforward. I'm an introvert in that I get my energy from being alone, but I'm also very social and can be loud and talkative, and can absolutely work a room at a party. So I think there's a lot of confusion around what it means to be "introverted" or

As a teacher in an underfunded school district I can answer this: REALLY WELL! No teacher would bring children on a field trip if they can't adequately supervise them. Also, bullies are very obvious and I don't use race, class, and gender when assessing this. A bully is a bully no matter their "classifications."

This is why I think schools should also ban Elmer's Glue. And milk. And water. Can you imagine what bullies might do if they had access to water? Make you drink it til you threw up, put it on your clothes to imply you peed your pants, etc.

Someone please think of the children!

Depends entirely upon the context in which it is used. Allow me to offer you the OED definition, with a brief explanation of the contextual usage I applied:

Yes, the timing of the vaccines is roughly around the time when you'd start noticing several sorts of autism in children. Just like how I could blame dementia on heart medication, because my grandparents and parents showed mental decline right after having to start taking the serious stuff.

I find that if you fill the dead parts of your soul with cheese products, it gets easier.

I think it's difficult for most people to admit their ignorance the way that Kim Kardashian has with regard to racism. I don't understand the instinct to mock someone for this. Thinking that these issues are everyone else's problem is not actually that uncommon, especially for this generation. So good for her for

No, there is no seductiveness, the whole point is I'm not denying anything. If you see seductiveness there, it is definitely in your interpretation. It's your brain (and you're not alone) that's going to that "sex" place, period.

Umm... Did I miss an article that says she is support staff? The original article says she is a special education teacher. That's not support staff at all! The SpED teachers in every district I've worked in are required to have the same training as all other teachers, and more (how to write IEPs, test, etc.). They are

Algorithms that know me best: 1) Google; 2) Netlifx; 3) Amazon; 4) Facebook; 5) Pinterest.

Photograph your baby in a mason jar. Must do! Pin Now..Save for later! So Cute!

Isn't it because it's the unofficial web portal of Mormonism or something? You can find some stylish and modest bathing suits on Pinterest. To balanace it out, I should have an account dedicated to naked and shivering evil.

No. It's all about the Hendricks with fresh vermouth, dirty.


I read the phrase elimination communication and had a conscious uncoupling from my sanity.

Please never ever tell a child "I don't like you." You're a teacher. They won't hear the 'right now.' Tell them you don't like their behavior, their words, or their actions. Do not tell them you don't like them.

Write her a letter. You can say everything you want that's going good in your life, and you don't have to hear or listen to any responses. I do that with my grandma. She's not toxic, but hard to talk with over the phone, so I write her letters.