
I'm replying to you, but also kind of to everyone in this thread that is missing the point dramatically basically due to a very simplistic way of looking at both feminism and the lgbt community. I'm not meaning to sound aggressive, but in an effort to be efficient, I'm going to number my points and my comment is going

the optimal environment for the emotional and spiritual development of children is to be with two married parents of the opposite sex to whom they are biologically related

I think it has a lot to do with your (general 'your', not picking on you) definition of feminism. My definition of feminism is about gender, not women. I like that feminist spaces can be so women-friendly, and women-populated, and I would never want to change that, but also open up spaces for feminist men to talk to

"We took wood from one of your churches and then we turned it into a box which we've filled with seeds that we can't be bothered to identify." - President Obama

15. You are allowed to throw, scott free, exactly one punch in the face to the friend or relative that states one of the following, 'Why don't you just elope?', 'I can't believe you are paying X for Y!?!?' or 'Oh that wasn't important for OUR wedding.' Choose wisely.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard things like, My mom is insisting on inviting my aunt that I don't know very well, she's taking over my wedding! and then you find out that mom's paying for the whole thing. Shut up, say thank you, and invite your aunt. For fifteen grand your mom could've insisted on picking

15. Don't take money from anyone for the wedding if you don't want them to have a say in the proceedings.

The only sane choice. What is wrong with you people.

I've read Food Babe's blog. It's not very scientific. She is very uninformed and seems to base everything on her impressions, rather than facts. She's an anti-vaxxer and buys into EVERYTHING 'big health food' says. Grain of Himalaya pink salt with this one.

We sure did manage to get to the boringest final four possible, didn't we?


It is great to see you consulted an actual scientist, hopefully this is a sign that things are changing on Jezebel!

Callie, Ima let you finish but ... Robin Thicke's music is very honest. He honestly wants to get all rapey, even if you don't say you want it.

I look at this photo and the only thing that comes to mind is the Mary Poppins quote: "Close your mouth, we are not a codfish."

I still can't understand how Champagne topped Red Wine. Red Wine failing to pull off that upset is like [sports team most of you haven't heard of] not beating [sports team most of you haven't heard of]. And we all know how crazy THAT would be.

You know what helps with panic attacks? XANAX.

Hit that Xanax button as if your life depended on it!

Apparently this college has a 4:4 teaching load (I'm tired just writing that). I'm sure at least one is a repeat section, but numerically it is hard to imagine how she could only do 3 class preps per year. The department cannot offer the same classes every semester - there aren't enough students to justify that.

I think it is important to note that she did not ask to have a reduced teaching load, she asked to have "No more than three new class preps per year for the first three years.". This means that she would she would still teach more than three classes per year, but only three of these would be classes she has never

Somali-*Canadian* rapper K'Naan.