
Pictured: Pete Carroll shows his "bitter beer face."

I'm no economist. In fact, I know next to nothing on the subject, so forgive me if I say something blatantly incorrect or mildly inacurrate.

But, given the location of the crotch, and the suit's knee location in relation to the crotch, the femur must be twice the length of a normal human femur. I've never played the Tribes series before; are there humans in those suits? Why do I care?

Where are their shins?

Look, you made a mediocre game. The vast majority of people who play it will find it average. A few will love it more than it deserves to be loved and a handful will hate it more than it deserves to be hated. The fair thing to do is find a book written by a reviewer who gave the game 5 out of 5, and, uh, fill his

Just wanted to chime in: two nights ago TD Bank deactivated my VISA/debit card with no notice due to a fraud alert relating to the Sony PSN hack. I was grocery shopping at 10pm and checking out when my card was declined. Not pleased with the bank for failing to notify me, but I'd rather be pissed for 10 minutes than

Nice to know the next generation of consoles won't be able to render realistic fabric, either.

I used to like viewing the full version of Kotaku on my iPod Touch. I can't do that anymore due to the new format, and it breaks my heart.

There were many TG16 games I wanted to, but never did, play, but the one at the the top of my list was Legendary Axe. Is there some reason this game hasn't been re-released in any format yet? I remember it being advertised back in the day as NEC's flagship title, but it's nowhere to be found today.

@David Wright: Thanks for correcting me. I'm sure if there were a metal band named Enslaved, they probably would have sounded similar to Entombed.

Many years ago, wasn't there a metal band called Enslaved who put out an album named Wolverine?

Can you imagine how awesome a Palm tablet would be if, in a few years, they could make it even smaller?

When he was campaigning, Obama promised more transparency in government. Americans were pissed when he didn't deliver on that promise.

@Mac: I'd like to put an end to this idea that politicians have a "ridiculously comprehensive" medical insurance plan. My wife and I are both DoD employees (and choose from the same benefits packages that all federal employees choose from—including Congress) and I can assure you that I had a MUCH better insurance

Does anyone know what's on the horizon for Kinect? Outside of the launch titles, what's coming out in the next three, six, or nine months? Other than excercise and mini-game compilations, has a single AAA game been announced?

Wait until his buddies get sent to prison, only to discover the menu is nothing but beard and water.

How to keep interest in the series:

It's a good thing I've been enjoying all the gameplay trailers for this, because if they were relying on character design to sell the game, they would have lost my purchase.

I think a Halo movie could have almost as much success as Avatar, but I think the general public's reaction would be the same: "that looked awesome, but I've seen that story in 5 other movies. Good thing Halo was released in 3D to distract me from how horrible the story actually is."

@Koda89: Poorly written and delivered dialogue, cookie-cutter level design, generic looking characters and a plot ripped straight from 3 or 4 other sci-fi franchises does. not. make. a. good. story.