
Isn’t it obvious who the hacker was? Ray-Ban.

I have some of my own tips players may find useful:

I agree. Recast her, but with Cindy Williams.

And, uh, Iron Man.

This kind of language is unforgivable, but I suppose it’s typical for these small-town, under-educated, America-lovin’ folks. Where I come from we put a hyphen between ‘no’ and ‘good.’

Thanks to Chloe’s bravery, maybe someday actors with ethnic names such as Ming-Na Wen can get jobs in racist Hollywood.

I bought one of these in December because my cat kept chewing through standard cords. It worked great, so I bought a second one to use upstairs. The second one was fine for a week and then, one night, it caught on fire. I wasn’t home, but my wife said sparks were shooting out from in between the “coils.” Buyer beware.

I bought one of these in December because my cat kept chewing through standard cords. It worked great, so I bought a

I’m not saying what the ref did was appropriate or inappropriate but, if you closely watch the GIF above, the kid throws an elbow into the chest of the ref and the ref responded with the shove.

I thought the exact same thing. They list three or four very specific products and then one vague one (electronics). That’s a deliberate misdirection. When I read the article, I immediately thought, “iPads.” They all thought they deserved them, as ‘thank yous’ for “leading this program and school to unprecedented

Donny Facefall

Why does this sign say "Kira's Bumper Car?" I thought her name was Rey.

Why didn't NBC hesitate to show Pete Carroll pinching one out after the interception?

"After all he's about to go through, Richie just needs to score 1.5 touchdowns to put it all behind him."

Reading the overwhelming majority of these comments has made me realize most of the people who use online gaming services are not yet mature enough to use online gaming services. I weep for our future. Some of you people need some perspective. Seriously. Someday, very far in the future, some of you will breed. Some of

"In 2008, the U.S. had over 12 thousand firearm-related homicides. All of Japan experienced only 11, fewer than were killed at the Aurora shooting alone. And that was a big year: 2006 saw an astounding two, and when that number jumped to 22 in 2007, it became a national scandal. By comparison, also in 2008, 587

I'd just like to point out that the Commons are in Bridgewater, not Edgewater.

I think some people need to take off their Penn State glasses and put on their Mom and Dad glasses.

This is the problem: news shouldn't come in ANY flavor. A fact is a fact. FOX (and, to an extent AM talk radio) spends their 24-hour news cycle telling their viewers that the sky is not green. MSNBC spreads the message that the sky is not orange. Technically, both speak the truth, but in a half-assed way that

You know, for the first 25 years of my existence I was told the Jews controlled the media. Apparently some time around 2000 or 2001 the Jews sold the media to some liberals, I guess.

Per diem for Detroit, MI is $56 per day. The government rate for a hotel is $95. They can pay whatever they want for hotels and food and charge it to their Government CC, but the government will only reimburse them for the $56/$95 per day. The rest of the balance they have to pay off themselves when the CC